Italy: Defense Minister Says Russia is Attacking Europe by Increasing Its Greatest Strength

This is the most racist thing I’ve ever seen in my life – Russia is evil because they are helping Europe become stronger through diversity?

Russia is actually very stupid for sending immigrants into Europe, because the more immigrants Europe has, the stronger it becomes. Russia might as well be sending them free missiles and fighter jets.

But also, seriously though, Russia is doing an immigrant conspiracy somehow.

We know that because a massive immigrant surge can’t be a failure of a vaginal leader.

Upon hearing that Russia was responsible for all her problems, Georgia started barking and said “all my rough riders – meet me outside, meet me outside.”

Vagina is invincible.


Russian mercenaries are responsible for a surge in illegal immigration into Europe and are engaging in “hybrid warfare” against countries supporting Ukraine in the ongoing conflict, Italy’s Defense Minister Guido Crosetto has claimed.

Speaking on Monday, the Italian minister claimed the Russian Wagner Group, which operates in several African countries and holds considerable political influence, has been facilitating an increase in illegal immigration across the Mediterranean into Italy.

“I think it is now safe to say that the exponential increase in the migratory phenomenon departing from African shores is also, to a not insignificant extent, part of a clear strategy of hybrid warfare that the Wagner division is implementing, using its considerable weight in some African countries,” Crosetto said.

Guido Crosetto

“Just as the EU, NATO, and the West have realized that cyberattacks were part of the global confrontation that the war in Ukraine opened up, they should now understand that the southern European front is also becoming more dangerous every day,” he added.

However, Italy has long dealt with mass migration from Africa and Middle Eastern countries, and the minister presented no evidence that Wagner was behind any operation to increase migration to Europe. Europe, however, has faced a migrant crisis partially facilitated by Russia and Belarus in countries like Poland and Baltic nations over the last couple of years.

Italy’s Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani told Italian news agency ANSA that many migrants are now originating from areas “controlled by the Wagner group.”

This is a truly wild conspiracy theory.

Russia is apparently the “everything problem.”

They did everything.

Europe’s border agency, Frontex, reported that in the first two months of 2023, the top countries of origin were Ivory Coast, Guinea, and Pakistan — all countries where Wagner has no presence.

The accusation is firmly denied by the mercenary group whose leader Yevgeny Prigozhin said via the Telegram messaging app: “We have no idea what is happening with regard to the migrant crisis, but we are not dealing with it,” before calling Crosetto a “mudak,” a Russian derogatory term akin to “idiot” or “moron.”

The truth is: that stupid bitch they elected is flooding the bitch with these apes.

She’s gone apeshit for apes, which is apparently the new version of Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

She’s a rough rider and a low-down dirty dog. You look at her picture and start hearing DMX barking in your skull.

Never forget that the National Review and all the rest of the DeSantis shills celebrated this bitch getting elected as some great victory for “conservative working class populism.”

I’m not surprised they’re now blaming Russia – that bimbo is a Ukraine Stander Wither.