Italy: Ghouls Attack Bus and Beat White Driver Inside

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 9, 2017

This reminds me a story from a tour group in south Africa.

They do this everywhere.

News Line:

A bus driver in Italy has sustained numerous injuries after being beaten by a group of men in Parma to the cheers of a larger crowd of alleged immigrants. The attack, which could have been racially motivated, was filmed on camera.

Two videos have emerged from the scene. The first shows around a dozen of people of color, allegedly foreign migrants, shouting and yelling at a bus driver, as a fellow Tep bus company employee, tries to calm down the infuriated crowd.

Following repeated insults, as the second video shot by a passenger on the bus shows, a young black man getting onto the bus, striking the bus driver to the ground. At least three men helped instigate the assault.

It is not yet clear what prompted Tuesday’s incident or whether or not the assailants were migrants who have come to Italy from Africa. While Italian police and Tep conduct their own separate investigations, two different versions of the events have emerged, Italian media reported.

“My colleagues told me to be attentive to the presence of a group of foreigners on the square [at the bus depot in Parma],” the driver told Parma Repubblica. “I tried to drive away but they started to yell, kick and throw [themselves] at the bus. Fortunately, I did not have any passengers and I could pull away.”

After the incident Monday, the driver alleges that he reported the attempted assault to his superiors at Tep. He asked for law enforcement to be sent to the same spot the next day, should their be a repeat of the incident.

According to one of the young men present during the incident, the crowd was angry at the driver, because a day earlier, on Monday, he did not stop to pick up the colored passengers.

The witness further claimed the bus driver deliberately attempted to run over one of them because he was allegedly bothered by their presence – a gesture the group saw as a provocation.

“He saw him and accelerated, he was about to run him over but we pulled him away,” the witness explained to a local reporter. “Then the driver laughed. The young men ran over to him and the driver started to laugh.”

Well, at least the driver seems to understand what to do but things still went wrong. This just goes to show no matter how not relaxed you are around Blacks you can still get attacked, and that we need to do something to remove them from our nations.