Italy: Military Trucks Brought in to Haul Away Piles of CORPSES

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 19, 2020


Is it strange that the main outbreak of this virus was in Matteo Salvini’s region?

I suppose maybe it’s just because that’s where it’s coldest.


The Italian military has been called in to help transport dead bodies as the northern city of Bergamo reels from the ongoing coronavirus epidemic. The city’s crematorium is reportedly now working around-the-clock.

The head of Lega Nord, Matteo Salvini, posted a photograph on Twitter showing a seemingly endless line of army trucks moving their way through the Italian town, located in the Lombardy region.

The military vehicles were dispatched to help remove corpses that couldn’t be dealt with at the local level, Salvini said.

A video posted on social media shows the green and camouflage trucks parked in the street as they prepare to transport bodies.

According to media reports, Bergamo’s crematorium has been overwhelmed by the amount of coronavirus victims. The city has recorded at least 93 Covid-19 deaths, and local officials have expressed fear that the worst is yet to come.

This stuff about how “cremations should be faster” is all a canard and blood libel against the Jewish people.

Everyone knows that you can stack three bodies in a crematoria intended for one person and burn them all in 20 minutes as long as you put women on the bottom so as to use the fat of their bodies as fuel for the fire.

It’s simple science, and anyone who denies it should be in prison.