Italy: Paki Plaguespreader Found

Daily Stormer
March 2, 2020

Italy is the epicenter of Europe’s coronavirus contagion. Most other cases on the continent trace back to people who have been there. Within Italy, the epicenter is Lombardy, accounting for two-thirds of the country’s reported deaths and infections. There, in the “red zone,” city centers are deserted, people have been banned from attending mass and told to watch it on the internet instead, and football matches are played to empty stadiums. (I was watching an Italian news channel earlier and even the newsreaders looked worried.)

Within Lombardy, much of the plaguespreading seems to have been done by a Paki in the city of Pavia.

The Paki was diagnosed with coronavirus but didn’t present symptoms so was not quarantined. He was told to “self-isolate” at home. Instead, the Paki went back to work, in a Chinese restaurant where he served as both a cook and delivery agent. (Was this just simple selfishness or could there have been some thoughts of Plague Jihad going on in his mind?) This seems to have been the main vector of transmission within Pavia, perhaps even Lombardy and Italy as a whole: a Paki preparing Chink food then delivering it around the city. (Why would you want to eat foreign food when you can eat Italian food? The coronavirus contagion may bring about some kind of evolutionary selection effect in which people who “embrace diversity” will be disproportionately taken out by it, their genes removed from the gene pool, leaving a healthier and more racist population behind.)

The Paki has since been arrested and charged with disregarding the instructions of judicial authorities, for which he can be sentenced to a maximum of 3 months in prison or a fine of 230 euros. His name has not been published and the Chinese restaurant where he worked has been allowed to continue operating.

Most mainstream news outlets in Italy are covering up the truth about the source of the country’s plague infection, suppressing any discussion of the immigrant angle.

The story about the Paki plaguespreader has been circulating on “far-right” websites; among “normie” news sources, only Il Giornale and ADNKronos so far seem to have reported it.