Italy: Salvini Legalizes Puberty for Boys, Moves to Ban Tranny Drugs

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
July 30, 2019

I never thought I’d live to see the day when puberty would be re-legalized.

The idea that boys should be allowed to transition into manhood without having estrogen and puberty-blocking drugs injected intravenously into their veins is a controversial one. Some say that it is, in fact, anti-Semitic and Nazi-esque. After all, affirming basic biology like this might lead to people thinking there are differences between the sexes, which is a hop and a skip away from realizing there are differences among the races as well.

Having standards died along with the patriarchy.


The regional council of Friuli Venezia Giulia, an autonomous region in northeastern Italy, approved a motion calling on the national government to prohibit so-called puberty-blocking drugs used in so-called reassignment treatment for gender-confused children.

In a July 17 move by a center-right majority led by the League party, the Friuli Venezia Giulia regional council approved a motion calling on Italy’s national government to prohibit the prescription of drugs that prevent normal sexual development of adolescents.

The League’s leader is Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, who is one of the three members in Italy’s coalition government that includes Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio of the Five Star Party (M5S) and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. The leftist parties in the regional council, including M5S, voted against the motion.

According to the council’s motion, “puberty is not a disease”and thus should not be prevented with surgery and medications that can produce irreversible effects. It also noted the long-term negative effects of drugs containing triptorelin.

The Jews, the fags and the hags have created an unholy coalition to literally outlaw masculinity under the guise that it is toxic.

Of course, the real goal is to weaken the nations of White men so much that they can then be taken over by the Third World, at which point no nation can ever rise up and destroy Carthage ever again.

Matteo Salvini understands that he needs to re-legalize masculinity and testosterone to make wimpy Italy into glorious RVME again! This is only the first step in his plan. The next step is to hand out testosterone boosters to get the men up to the same rage levels as their ancestors.

From there, they can go on to reconquer and liberate all of Europe again.