Italy: Senate Approves Salvini’s Deportation Law

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
November 8, 2018

Now, we need laws for putting Africans in cages until deportation.

Under the steadfast leadership of emperor Salvini, Italy is making fast progress on their project of getting rid of the migrant swine infesting its streets.

After announcing he’d make massive cuts into the budget used for taking care of these invader’s needs, his law proposal to allow the expedited removal of undesirables has been approved by the legislature.

Voice of Europe:

On Wednesday the Senate has approved the legislation making it easier to deport convicted asylum seekers.

The security and migration decree won with 163 votes in favour with only 59 against and 19 abstentions.

The decree, drafted by Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, the leader of the League party, was approved with a confidence vote and now moves to the Lower House.

“Out with the brown slime!”

This makes it easier for the authorities to deport asylum seekers guilty of felonies. There was some tension within the ruling coalition due to some members of the 5-Star Movement (M5S) being opposed to certain elements of it.

“The senate approves, at 12:19 PM, of the Security and Immigration decree. A historic day!”

Moreover, Salvini is working on deals with the countries these invaders are coming from in order to facilitate them being shipped back home.


Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said Wednesday that the government was working on deals to deport migrants back to four States. “We are working on an agreement with repatriations with Ghana and not just with Ghana,” Salvini told a press conference.

We are working to make up for the people who have been sleeping on the job in this country in recent years.

“We are down to below 92,000 arrivals. I want to finish the year with more expulsions and wrap up agreements with other countries.

This is more great news.

You see, these third world countries are not interested at all in having their refuse shipped back to them. They’d much rather their people stay in White countries and send money back home. As such, when dealing with cucked European countries, they’ll usually just straight up refuse to take their people back.

And of course, the cucked bureaucrats just take this, going “okay.”

The likes of Salvini wouldn’t exactly take this kind of arrogant behavior from shitholers, however. He’s probably threatening to shove these people in wood chippers if they refuse to take them back.

A policy known as “wood chipper nationalism.”

One way or another, the negotiations are apparently successful.

This means that Italians will be able to start getting rid of the invaders very soon – just like the nationalist leader promised.

If the Italians can do it, so can we.