Italy: Tunisian Vibrant Chases Asylum Center Teacher with Ax Because He Didn’t Like the Food

Let me guess… pasta again?

The nerve of these wops, feeding trashy carbs to their future rocket scientists and neurosurgeons.

No wonder he snapped.

Vox (Translation):

A Tunisian asylum seeker, alleged to be a minor, did not like the meal he received at the expense of the Italians, but first attacked the waiters, throwing them plates, glasses and cutlery. Then he chased an educator armed with an ax.

The African, who immediately left the structure on a bicycle, was tracked down by railway police officers near the place of stay.

During the search of the room occupied by the boy, the operators found numerous objects deriving from the thefts, while the ax was found in the vicinity of a site located not far away.

The young man was subjected to detention and taken, at the disposal of the judicial authority, to a reception center for minors in the capital.