Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 24, 2020

So now we know that yes, Coronavirus does infect non-Asians.
We’ve known that for a while, actually, as I have noted.
And there is now a crisis in Iran – by pure coincidence.
And also Italy, apparently.
Driven by fears of the rapidly-spreading coronavirus, Italians in the Lombardy region have begun stockpiling food and basic necessities, leaving shops in a post-apocalyptic-looking state.
Supermarket shelves were stripped in mere hours as stocks ran low and queues lengthened, as evidenced by eyewitness footage from Milan.
?This is a supermarket in Milan. Sunday, February 23rd, 7:30pm. Hard to explain #coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #coronavirusitalIa #coronaviruslombardia
— LorenzoDeVidovich (@ldv_ldv) February 23, 2020
Ma in che senso ? #COVID19italia #coronavirus
— Sairy_94 (@Tupa_94) February 24, 2020
Some wistfully joked that it was almost pleasant to be living through what they dubbed a “zombie apocalypse.”
Schools and museums have been closed, events such as the Venice Carnival have been cancelled while Fashion designer Giorgio Armani reportedly held a closed-door event to conclude Milan Fashion Week on Sunday by streaming his latest collection from an empty theater.
Ma che bello vivere un apocalisse zombie.#coronavirusitalia #Milano #coronavirus #COVID19italia #Esselunga #COVID19 #WuhanCoronavirus
— Raffaele W.F. (@ralph090) February 24, 2020
#coronavirusitalia #milano oh my
— marco (@mrvnbz) February 23, 2020
Roughly a dozen northern Italian towns have been placed on lockdown as the total number of infected in Italy stands at over 150. Later on Sunday, officials closed theaters, cinemas and other public places like pubs and clubs for at least seven days, the majority of which are located in the densely populated region around Milan.
Italians hoarding 'essentials' to survive #coronavirus#coronavirusitalia #COVID19italia
— Antonio García (@media_maquina) February 23, 2020
The coronavirus crisis in Italy has shocked Europeans, jumping from fewer than five known cases before Thursday to over 150 by the end of the weekend.
I think this is just hysteria.
I still maintain that this virus is not a big deal in the scope of things, and the main problem is going to be the global economic fallout from what it has done to China.
Maybe it will turn into a pandemic and millions of people will die, but I surely doubt it.
But either way: this has demonstrated that globalism is untenable.
You can’t have all of these people flying around like this.
And you can’t have this interlinked economy.
Eventually, the whole thing is going to fall apart, all at once.
And then that will be the time when our plan comes together, once and for all.