It’s Too Late – The Kids are Already a Bunch of Faggots. You Should Have Listened.

I’m tired of hearing about this tranny stuff.

I’m tired of these half measures that obviously aren’t going to do anything.

Fox News:

The Alabama state legislature has passed a sister bill to Florida’s parental rights law that bans lessons or specific discussion of sexuality and gender identity for children from kindergarten to fifth grade.

The bill, which originally aimed to standardize public school restroom and locker room use by biological sex, was amended to reflect the Florida legislation. The amendment was introduced by state Sen. Shay Shelnutt on Thursday.

“We don’t think it’s appropriate to talk about homosexuality and gender identity in schools, they should be learning about math,” said Shelnutt, according to news outlet

“Make no mistake, this legislation is part of a systematic and growing attack on trans people, particularly trans youth, in all aspects of life,” the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement.

The state Senate passed the amended bill with a 25-5 vote.

“The passage of this bill sends a message to vulnerable transgender youth that they are not welcome or accepted in their communities,” the statement added. “It also exposes school districts and the state to costly litigation and the potential loss of federal funding for education.”

Listen: the jig is already up.

Kids across the entire country have been indoctrinated into trannyism in schools for years now. Little toddlers and so on.

Look at this Amaze Org stuff.

They’ve been showing these sex videos to toddlers in every school for years now.

White women who run the educational system love turning kids gay.

All of the kids are already gay faggots.

Watch these videos of these teachers.

If they’re getting this angry in Florida, what do you think is happening in the other states?

This is a campaign to turn everyone into a faggot – and it’s already pretty much over.

The kids are already a bunch of faggots.

You should have escaped Babylon when I told you to do that.