Jackie Chan Kung Fu Kicks His Fat Whore Demon-Dyke Daughter Out of House

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 29, 2018

Feels bad, man. I hoped Jackie Chan would have a better daughter than the one he got stuck with. I never thought that his offspring would be struck by The Gay.


Jackie Chan’s daughter and her girlfriend have released a video claiming that they are homeless and sleeping under a bridge because of “homophobic parents”.

In the video, Etta Ng Chok Lam introduces herself as “Jackie Chan’s daughter”, and says she’s in Canada with her girlfriend Andi Autumn.

“We’ve been homeless for a month due to homophobic parents. We pretty much just slept under a bridge and other things.

I don’t even understand what is going on because we’ve gone to the police, we’ve gone to the hospital, we’ve gone to the food banks, LGBTQ communities, shelters and all of them just don’t give a s**t.”

Her girlfriend, a 30-year-old Instagram model, then adds:

“We will have to split up if we go to any kind of government facility.”




This caught me with my guard down.

I always thought Jackie’s daughter was Jade.

Idk who that ugly broad is. But she sure isn’t Jade. I would have preferred a Jade if I was a Chinese father.

Enjoy the nostalgia binge!

But yeah, another demon-child has been spawned. And I’ve seen Jackie’s parenting skills in Jackie Chan Adventures. He was a lovable, stern, yet also endearing father-figure in the show.

This clearly wasn’t his fault.

Jewish black magic is literally turning everyone’s kids into satanic little demon-spawns intent on causing misery and mayhem. Jackie needs to ask Uncle for some ancient Chinese remedy and then share that shit with all of us too.

Shit’s getting serious.