Japan Also Mad the US Spied on Them

November 7, 2013

Oh no.  Now you've pissed off the Japanese, Obama.  This is no good.  No good at all.
Oh no. Now you’ve pissed off the Japanese, Obama. This is no good. No good at all.

Japan Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera says reports of the US spying on Tokyo — if proved to be true — could hurt the ties between the two countries.

Onodera made the remarks two days after The New York Times reported that US National Security Agency (NSA) has spied on Japan, adding that the NSA had used its surveillance powers to achieve economic advantage on Japan, Brazil and a number of other nations.

On Tuesday, Onodera voiced serious concern about reports stating that the US has been collecting important data in Japan through illegal interception.

“So far these are only press reports,” the minister told journalists in Tokyo, adding, “But I do not think such actions are desirable as they are eroding trust between friendly states, including allies.”

Earlier, an unnamed US source confirmed that electronic espionage in Japan had been conducted through the American Embassy premises in Tokyo and US military bases in Japan.

The NSA was also said to have been bugging the Japanese Embassy in Washington.

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