Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 17, 2015

We often celebrate Japan as a developed country which refuses to bow to cultural Marxism. Yet it appears that things may be changing.
They’ve nominated a half-Negroid female to represent their country in this year’s Miss Universe pageant.
Whoever said that Niigata Prefecture is home the most beautiful women in Japan may need to think again. For the second year in the row, the Japanese representative for the Miss Universe competition hails from Nagasaki, with last year’s crown holder being Keiko Tsuji. As cool as that is, the real story of the year is that the 2015 representative, Ariana Miyamoto, is half Japanese.
It’s no surprise that Western features are considered beautiful in Japan. Heck, some women are actively seeking a foreign partner in order to produce absolutely adorable “haafu” (half-Japanese) babies. Sometimes, due to their alluring features, haafu are not always treated the same, or even as Japanese, as their native peers. Miss Nagasaki faced her fair share of race-related challenges too and although some people are against her acting as a representative for Japan due to her mixed heritage, she is also receiving a lot of support.
The final of the 18th Miss Universe Japan contest was held in Tokyo on March 8. As you’d expect, Miss Nagasaki faced some tough competition of equally beautiful and graceful young ladies, but it’d be a stretch to say that she didn’t stick out. However, it really was only her looks that set her apart, being born and raised in Japan, she is not only a Japanese citizen, but she identifies with Japanese culture and considers herself Japanese.
Twenty-year-old Ariana was born to a Japanese mother and an African-American father in Sasebo, Nagasaki, the location of a major American naval base. After junior high graduation in Sasebo, she spent her high school years studying in the US. Upon returning to Japan as a young adult she set her sights on becoming a model.
Even as a racist, I am able to recognize that Japanese women have some attractive physical qualities (though also, they look like X-Files space aliens). Meanwhile, Negroid women have none (facially, at least – they do indeed have full butts). This half-Negroid female cannot possibly be promoted to this position due to her appearance, so why then? I don’t know anyway to read this than as a bowing to Western/Jew political correctness.
Is Japan finally giving up and giving in? Or are they just trying to be polite? Or maybe they just think this half-Negress is more likely to win, given that they understand the twisted minds which dictate the Western system?
I don’t know. But I do know that this woman would be considered, by an average Japanese person, to be a shame on their race, as they would be deeply disgusted by the fact that one of their women engaged in a sex act with a Negro.