Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 5, 2014

One of the apparent top contenders to take on Hilary in 2016 is yet another Bush. Jeb, of Florida, has made it his mission to transform the Republican party from a group which does not support America becoming a colony of Mexico into a group which does support that.
Fittingly, he is married to a Mexican woman, Columba Bush, and has produced a Mexican family. Two boys and a girl.

Jeb Bush’s Mexican family, like most Mexican families, is a gang of criminals.
Jeb’s eldest, George Prescott Bush, was caught in 1994 breaking into the home of his Jewish girlfriend, then destroying property maliciously.

Back when he was a Rice University student, Bush was investigated for burglary and criminal mischief related to a 4 AM visit to the Miami home of his ex, Cristina Cohen, and her parents.
A Miami-Dade Police Department report includes an account of the December 31, 1994 incident provided to cops by Murry Cohen, Cristina’s father.
According to Cohen, Bush–wearing black shorts and no shirt–arrived at the residence and “went to his daughter’s bedroom window,” pulled it open, and “pushed the screen inward.” As Bush was “climbing in the window,” Murry Cohen awoke and spotted the trespasser. A neighbor of the Cohens also spotted Bush trying to get into the residence and began to argue with him.
With his intrusion thwarted, Bush “backed out of the window.” Cohen reported seeing Bush then “jump into a vehicle and flee.” But he would not be gone for long.
Bush returned to the home 20 minutes later and drove his car through the Cohens’s yard, causing damage to about 80 feet of the lawn.
When police arrived at the residence, the Cohens identified Bush as the perpetrator. Cristina Cohen explained that she used to date Bush, but that they “have been separated for 1-1/2 years.” She added that Bush “has been a problem ever since they broke up.”
After the Cohens provided police with Bush’s home address, an officer went to the residence and “spoke to him and parents.” But since Murry Cohen did not want to press charges, Bush “was not arrested on the scene,” according to the police report.
When police checked back with Cohen several days later, he told a detective that he was not interested in pursuing charges against Bush, “and that he wanted the matter resolved.” Cohen then signed a non-prosecution form.
His second child, the daughter Noelle, has been charged in 2002 with prescription drug fraud.

The daughter of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was arrested Tuesday in Tallahassee on charges of trying to fill a fake prescription for the popular tranquilizer Xanax.
Bush and his wife, Columba, issued a statement that they were “deeply saddened” by the incident involving their middle child and only daughter, Noelle, 24.
They asked the media and the public to respect their privacy “during this difficult time so that we can help our daughter.”
A Walgreens pharmacist suspicious about a call-in prescription notified police at 1:15 a.m. when Noelle Bush showed up at the drugstore’s drive-through in her white Volkswagen to pick it up.She was charged with prescription fraud, a felony that carries a maximum penalty of five years in jail and a $5,000 fine. Noelle Bush has no known criminal record and was released without having to post bond.
Experts say punishment for a first offense is usually drug treatment or probation.
Noelle Bush has been cited for about a dozen traffic violations and was involved in three automobile crashes since 1995, according to The Associated Press.
After being caught in the drug deal, it came out that she had also (probably) been charged with shoplifting in 1995.
But with reports Wednesday of a 1995 shoplifting offense in Arizona involving a woman with the identical name and birth date as Bush, a Leon County official who supervises the pre-trial release program said Bush might not be eligible.
“If we find out you lied to us, you violated our first rule,” Wanda Hunter said. “That rule is to be honest. If she lied, then she most likely would be taken into custody or she’d have to pay that bond. Because of the profile of this case, this will be checked out.”
Hunter said she plans to review reports of an Oct. 28, 1995, misdemeanor citation of a Noelle Lucila Bush in Flagstaff, Ariz. Police and court reports show that this woman appeared before the city magistrate on Nov. 6 that year and paid a $305 fine for shoplifting underwear from a JCPenney store. The woman, then 18, listed her home address as 3511 Verde Valley Road, Sedona, Ariz.
The youngest son, John “Jebby” Bush, got charged with having sex in a parking lot in 2000.

John “Jebby” Bush, the son of Dubya’s younger brother, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, was nabbed having sex outside the Tallahassee Mall on Oct. 7 by a pair of mall security guards, who reported the steamed window shenanigans to Tallahassee Police Sgt. Oscar Brannon.
Brannon’s report says Jebby Bush and his unnamed blonde companion, a student at an elite private school, were both “naked from the waist down” and locked in a lusty embrace inside a blue Jeep Cherokee. The cop filed a “sexual misconduct” report since the couple were having sex in public view.
And in 2005 was charged with drunk in public and resisting arrest.
The youngest son of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was arrested early Friday and charged with public intoxication and resisting arrest, law enforcement officials said.
John Ellis Bush, 21, was arrested by agents of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission at 2:30 a.m. on a corner of Austin’s Sixth Street bar district, said commission spokesman Roger Wade.
The nephew of President Bush was released on $2,500 bond for the resisting arrest charge, and on a personal recognizance bond for the public intoxication charge, officials said.
Wade said he had no further details about the charges.
Gov. Bush and his wife Columba appeared Friday evening at a museum reception in Miami.
“My son’s doing fine. It’s a private matter. We will support him. We’re sad for him. But I’m not going to discuss it on the public square with 30 cameras,” the governor told reporters.
Presumably, the Mexican Bushes have also had other run-ins with the law, which have just been covered-up.
They are both typical spoiled rich kids, as well as typical Mexican immigrants.
Surely, a man who would raise such a brood of Mexicans is not the sort that any normal conservative figure would want in charge of the country.