Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 12, 2015

Apparently, the Republican party is literally framing Jeb Bush vs. Mitt Romney as the options for a Presidential candidate, demonstrating that it has absolutely no interest in winning the 2016 election.
It is absolutely incredible that the GOP has relegated itself to permanent ringer status. Though commenters will pretend like one of these men could potentially be elected, the obvious reality to any thinking person is that it is completely impossible, and clearly the party has people capable of observing such obvious realities.
Winning an election these days is basically dependent on how many people you can get to actually invest the effort to go vote, since most don’t even bother because they feel it is hopeless and a waste of time that could be spent masturbating to internet porno, playing Dragon Age or bashing your head in with a brick.
If the Republican party wished to win in 2016, they would have virtually no trouble at all doing so, given the deep hatred that nearly the entire country has for the Democrats in the wake of the Obama “Change you into a bankrupt third-world cesspit” debacle. All they would have to do is run a normal White Anglo-Saxon Protestant with a normal White wife who has normal positions.

Such a candidate would basically just need to be the opposite of Obama – anti-immigration, anti-bankster, pro-freedom, anti-homo, pro-gun, pro-family and so on. Just the normal default positions.
You could also run a more hardcore David Duke type figure, and he would win. Or a Ron Paul type libertarian, who would have no problems at all.
Instead, they are forwarding an obscenely rich criminal member of a weird cult*, a known flip-flopper who was once pro-abortion and who comes across as fundamentally slimly and unlikable and the brother of one of the most hated men in the history of the country, who is a liberal supporter of immigration and the Common Core debacle and has a Mexican goblin wife and criminal Mexican children.
*I actually like Mormons a lot, and have had no bad experiences with them, but just to be real: it is a weird cult which middle America is uncomfortable with.
You could literally just pull someone randomly out of a truck stop Waffle House and they would be a better candidate than either of these men.

Seriously, who are they even trying to appeal to here? I guess Jeb is intended to appeal to people nostalgic for the Bush days as well as Mexicans – even though the latter will never vote for a Republican, no matter how liberal or how many Mexican children he’s produced. Very limited appeal there.
And who is Mitt supposed to appeal to? I don’t even think many Mormons like him, given his previous endorsement of abortion. And everyone on earth hates his creepy fake smile as it is offensive on a deep human level.
This is simply insane, and shows that the Republican party is not simply a joke, it is literally a hoax. A fake party which has no intention of even winning elections anymore.