Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 2, 2015

Dear American Conservative Friends,
The Republicans may have the exact same position as the Democrats on the desirability of flooding America with brown people and thereby destroying the country completely, but you should still vote for them because they will nuke Iran for the Jews, and that is really important. Because even though there won’t be an America anymore once in a few decades after it is completely destroyed by the bean people and the basketball people, we need to ensure that Israel survives so they can fulfil the prophecy or whatever it is you stupid filthy goyim believe.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush declared Wednesday that 11 million immigrants in the country illegally should have an opportunity to stay, wading yet again into his party’s contentious immigrant debate.
In tone and substance, Bush stands out among the many Republicans lining up for the GOP’s next presidential primary, where conservatives who oppose an immigration overhaul often hold outsized influence. As he moves toward a presidential campaign, the brother and son of former presidents has not backed away from his defense of immigrants in the country illegally and a policy that would allow them to attain legal status under certain conditions.
“We’re a nation of immigrants,” Bush said at the National Christian Hispanic Leadership Conference that brought several hundred Hispanic evangelical leaders to Houston this week. “This is not the time to abandon something that makes us special and unique.”