Jeff Sessions Announces Hunt for Leakers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 4, 2017

It almost makes me uncomfortable that a hunt is being announced.

I don’t see why a hunt had to be announced for this to be stopped.

Announcing programs to do things only makes sense when you’re adding resources to a thing or changing a thing. This isn’t adding resources, it isn’t making any change, it is just saying “we’re going to do this” about a thing that should already be being done.

We even know the name of one: James Comey. And nothing is being done to him. He hasn’t even been charged with a crime.

Fox News:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions and other top administration officials lashed out Friday against illegal leaks and issued a stern warning that offenders will be “held accountable,” announcing new efforts to hunt them down.  

“No government can be effective when its members cannot speak in confidence” with other government leaders, Sessions said, referring specifically to the bombshell leak a day earlier of President Trump’s conversations with foreign leaders.

He said referrals of classified leaks from U.S. intelligence agencies have “exploded” this year.

“We are taking a stand,” the attorney general said. “This culture of leaks must stop.”

Yeah, okay.

But this should never have been happening at all to begin with, and as soon as it started happening the hunt should have began.

Just look at the damage that has been done in the last 7 months.

Session said criminals who have leaked classified information are “being investigated and will be prosecuted.” He added that four people have already been charged with leaking classified material and related counts, and investigations have tripled.

Sessions said he has directed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and new FBI Director Christopher Wray to oversee all classified leak investigations and actively monitor the progress.

He said a new counterintelligence unit has been created to manage cases, and he has directed the National Security Division and U.S. attorneys to prioritize cases involving unauthorized disclosures.

Why do you need a new unit?

There is already a unit that has the job of protecting classified information, no?

“The department will not hesitate to bring lawful and appropriate criminal charges against those who abuse the nation’s trust,” he said.

….Last month, a report written by Republicans on the Senate’s homeland security panel warned that the Trump administration faced an “alarming” amount of media leaks that posed a potential threat to national security. The 24-page report, titled “State Secrets: How and Avalanche of Media Leaks is Harming National Security,” estimated the Trump administration has had about one leak per day.

The authors of the report urged the Justice Department to step up its investigations into the leaks.

On Thursday, a new leak hit the White House hard.

The Washington Post released complete transcripts from Trump’s telephone conversations with Enrique Peña Nieto, the president of Mexico, and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.


And this is what I am actually getting at here.

We know who published the Washington Post article. You should arrest the journalist who received the leak.

There you go.

Problem solved.

Why is this complicated?

Transmitting classified information is illegal – if someone in the government had given a thumb drive with these same presidential conversations on it to a private citizen and the private citizen had taken it to the Chinese government, that private citizen would be charged with espionage and probably treason.

But somehow transmitting classified documents to the entire world is legal if you’re a journalist?

Look, I don’t know the details of the laws here, but I don’t have to know the details of the law – if the journalists are transmitting classified information, they are committing a crime.

The journalists need to be arrested and imprisoned.

That is the solution here.

Not talk, not a new unit, not more of this endless blahbity blah blah.

Arrest the journalists.