Jesse Jackson Claims Liberian Ebola Patient Died Because of Racism

Daily Slave
October 10, 2014

Dat Librarian Eboli nigga died cuz o’ racist whitey crackaz.

The retard-level Negro Jesse Jackson is once again crying about evil “racists.”  This time he is suggesting that the Liberian Ebola patient Thomas Duncan died because his race prevented him from getting proper care.

This is an absolutely ridiculous argument by this flamboyant ape.  He had Ebola!  Using Jackson’s logic, I suppose all the other Africans that have died from Ebola died because of “racist” White people.

Jackson continues to show his inferior intellectual capabilities.  What argument does this stupid monkey have any way?  All he does is just call people “racist” regardless of what the situation is.  It is the only trick in his bag.

Washington Times:

Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price and the Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. have made similar arguments this week that Thomas Duncan, the first patient diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, died because his race and lack of “privilege” kept him from receiving the care he needed.

“It is historical what has happened in this community,” said Mr. Price, who is black. “If a person who looks like me shows up without any insurance, they don’t get the same treatment.”