Jesse Jackson Says Pardon Hillary, She Dindu Nuffin Muffugguh

Daily Stormer
November 17, 2016


Does you gots da card, muhfugga?

Crusty African fossil Jesse Jackson is apparently still among the living, but who would have known? Ever since he was caught on a hot mic saying that he wanted to cut Obama’s nuts off, he has been persona non grata in all the anti-racist and black power circles.

But he’s trying to make a comeback.

For some reason, the University of Michigan invited this semi-sentient race-hustler to speak to their students.

USA Today:

Speaking at President Gerald Ford’s alma mater, The Rev. Jesse Jackson called for President Obama to issue a blanket pardon to Hillary Clinton before he leaves office, just like Ford did for Richard Nixon.

Stopping short of saying Clinton did anything wrong, Jackson told a large crowd of University of Michigan students, faculty and administrators gathered at daylong celebration of his career that Obama should short-circuit President-elect Donald Trump’s promised attempt to prosecute Hillary Clinton for use of a private e-mail server.

“It would be a monumental moral mistake to pursue the indictment of Hillary Clinton,” Jackson said. He said issuing the pardon could help heal the nation, like Ford’s pardon of Nixon did.

It should come as no surprise that Jackson is comparing apples to watermelons. After all, he is a Negro, so it’s very likely he lacks the intellectual capacity to understand this, but even if he did, he’d lie about it anyway (you know how they are).

The fact of the matter is, even if Nixon were guilty of everything he was accused of, it was peanuts compared to what Hillary did, which amounts to the biggest breach of national security in the history of the State Department, as well as the most egregious and obvious “pay-to-play” scam in the history of the United States.

Nixon basically found out after the fact that some overly zealous operatives had broken into a DNC office and a hotel room or whatever and stole some lists, and he tried to cover it up, and he deleted a couple of minutes from several years’ worth of Oval Office audio tapes.


Tricky Dick wasn’t such a bad guy tbh

“President Ford said we don’t need him for trophy. We need to move on. President Nixon wasn’t convicted of a crime. He didn’t apply for a pardon. (Ford) did it because he thought it would be best for the country.

“Hillary Clinton has not been tried, but there are those who want to drag her for the next three years. It will not stop until they find a reason to put her in jail. That would be a travesty.”

Wrong again, nigga!

The only potential travesty here will be if Hillary is let off the hook after all the damage she’s done, signaling to the world that the Clinton’s are forever impervious to being made to account for their actions, and confirming to an already jaded American electorate that there is zero accountability to anyone who ever held a high office in the federal government.

Besides, if I were a Hillary supporter, I’d be careful about bringing up Watergate…

Too dishonest to work with a leftist Jew? Now there's an accomplishment she can point to!

Too dishonest to work with a leftist Jew? Now there’s an accomplishment she can point to!

“The one who set the field afire must be the one to put it out,” he told the Free Press in a one-on-one interview. “He had the option to pour water on it (the dry field) and let it grow. He didn’t do that — he chose to light it on fire. One of my concerns is that we see the division in America now because of that. We see classmates, roommates in a conflict over the way the campaign turned out.

“He knows Mexicans didn’t take jobs from us. It was the corporations. He knows you can’t deport 15 million (immigrants). It’s not just about the adults, but also about the children who were born here, grew up here and go to school here.”

First of all, you are a Negro agitator, not the president, so you don’t get to order anyone around. Trump has zero responsibility to put out fires that exist only in your rattled brain.


Jesse should stick to talking about Jews. He’s way funnier when he does that.

As for Mexicans not taking jobs from us; baloney. Sure, the corporations are complicit, but only because they’ve been coddled by politicians who depend on them for corporate donations. We’ve just elected a leader who neither wants nor needs their money, so that talking point just doesn’t make sense.

As to whether we can deport 15 million people, sure we can! If, as you and your colleagues claim, we could kidnap an entire race, and through a program of slavery and Jim Crow make them behave like savage apes for eternity, we can do anything!

There’s a new sheriff in town.

Your days of easy living and race-pimping are over, Jesse.