Jew Eli Roth Makes Deathwish Remake with Bruce Willis – Other Jews Say It’s Alt-Right Fascism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 4, 2017

I’m not gonna lie.

The trailer is good.

The original Deathwish with Charles Bronson is one of my all-time favorite B action movies. And I really, really like B action movies.

I’m also a big Bruce Willis guy. The Die Hard series are some of my favorite A action movies. And I really, really like A action movies.

But let’s come to reality here for a second: this movie is not going to be good. It is made by one of the worst Jews of all. The pervert Jew Eli Roth.

This is the guy who made the “Hostel” films, and made I don’t even know how many young people fear staying in hostels, thinking that they were going to be kidnapped and tortured. I’m not a fan of “slasher” movies in the first place, but some of them are harmless – it is not harmless, however, to take things that seem real and make it out like they are going to happen to people. We don’t have people getting kidnapped and tortured by strangers with any kind of regularity. This is just not a thing.

He is also the Jew who played the “Bear Jew” in Quintin Tarantino’s “Inglorious Basterds,” calling the film “Jewish torture porn.”

It is about a group of Jews hunting down and torturing Nazis.

Roth is not some “well maybe he’s different or special” Jew. This Jew has produced nothing but evil, and I have absolutely zero doubt that this Deathwish film will be no different. They have simply crafted the trailer in such a way as to appeal to people who like the kind of film that the original was, and once they get in the theater they will be fed something sick and weird. This is obvious.

And yet, that has not stopped other Jews from accusing Roth of making an “Alt-Right film.”

Yes, Mendelson.

White like you.

Is there a meme for when a Jew calls another Jew white? “My fellow white people” is just for when they are speaking to actual white people.

It’s a strange time for a Jew to be doing that, yes.

Although I resent erection metaphors – no. The Alt-Right will be flaccid throughout after they read “From Director Eli Roth” at the beginning of the trailer.

Do you not know that we hate the Jews?

No, Adam. It’s not Alt-Right fan fiction.

It’s based on a Charles Bronson movie from the 70s, with the exact same plot as is in this trailer.

All of this having been said – they will probably sink this movie with bad reviews, or try to, because it has a heterosexual white male lead who is against crime. I wish it was something we could rally around – but I’m not rallying around this pervert Jew Eli Roth.


Speaking of movies, I just remembered my review of War for the Planet of the Apes.

I don’t usually watch movies in the theater, but a few times a year I get the urge to. I do think the experience successfully takes you out of reality for 2 hours, and that can be a useful or meaningful thing sometimes, if you’ve got stress.

I went to the theater without a plan to see anything specific, and both Apes and Spider-Man were on.