Jew Judge Allows Lawsuit to Ban Marjorie Taylor Greene from Running for Office

I hardly even believe that even at this point it is possible for the US government to just ban people from running for office, totally.

But, I guess they can just do whatever they want?

USA Today:

A federal judge on Monday ruled that a group of Georgia voters can proceed with legal efforts seeking to disqualify U.S Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene from running for reelection to Congress, citing her role in the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The challenge filed last month with the Georgia secretary of state’s office alleges that Greene, a Republican, helped facilitate the Jan. 6, 2021, riot that disrupted Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s presidential election victory. That violates a rarely cited provision of the 14th Amendment and makes her ineligible to run for reelection, according to the challenge.

The amendment says no one can serve in Congress “who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress … to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same.” Ratified shortly after the Civil War, it was meant in part to keep representatives who had fought for the Confederacy from returning to Congress.

Greene, 47, filed a lawsuit earlier this month asking a judge to declare that the law that the voters are using to challenge her eligibility is itself unconstitutional and to prohibit state officials from enforcing it.

Judge Amy Totenberg, in a 73-page ruling, denied Greene’s request for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order.

Same Jewess

Totenberg, who was appointed to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia by President Barack Obama, wrote that Greene had failed to meet the “burden of persuasion” in her request for injunctive relief.

Free Speech for People, a national election and campaign finance reform group, filed the challenge March 24 on behalf of the group of voters.

Greene said in her lawsuit that she “vigorously denies that she ‘aided and engaged in insurrection to obstruct the peaceful transfer of presidential power.”

They really hate Marjorie – coincidentally, she’s also the single most popular elected Republican with the people.

This is why people hate democracy – they have no freedom and no ability to be represented in any way.

Democracy is too brutal, too anti-freedom, and too opposed to basic human nature to exist indefinitely.