Jew-Lover Megyn Kelly Pushes Idiot Jew Lies About White Privilege

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 26, 2014

Here you have Fox News infobabe Megyn Kelly – a woman who apparently does not know how to spell her own first name – pushing the idiot Jew theory of “White Privilege” – the idea that Black failure means they must be oppressed.

She lists off a laundry list of failures of the Black community in Ferguson, basically summing up their incapacity to do anything at all that is generally expected of people living in a civilized society, then says it must be that they’re oppressed.

The elephant in the room here is that the disconnect between the achievements of Whites and Blacks can also be see everywhere else in the entire world. Compare Africa to Europe.

We are actually supposed to believe that Black people fail everywhere they have ever lived across the entire planet because White people are treating them badly on purpose because of the way they look?

Isn’t it so much simpler to look at these people, see that they look completely different than us, and then assume that there must be some differences beyond their biological differences beyond appearance which account for this monumental disconnect between the abilities of Whites and Blacks?

Hasn’t genetics already proved this?

Haven’t we tested these people’s IQs?

Why invent this complicated and ridiculous explanation for something which is not only obvious to any casual observer, but also a scientific fact?

Also, why is an allegedly conservative network pushing this tripe on the people?

Who could be behind this strange act?

Pink Jew