Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
March 23, 2015

Jew-owned Starbucks has ceased its #RaceTogether campaign after a mere week.
The bold initiative involved slapping stickers on coffee cups, full-page spreads in USA Today, but it drew criticism for being opportunistic in the wake of Ferguson and even inappropriate for a barista to task such a conversation while making coffee.
“While there has been criticism of the initiative — and I know this hasn’t been easy for any of you — let me assure you that we didn’t expect universal praise,” CEO Schultz stated. “We leaned in because we believed that starting this dialogue is what matters most.”
However, this doesn’t mean they will stop dealing with race altogether:
The company’s crusade has no intention of stopping its initiative by announcing forums to come and the hiring of 10,000 employees from diverse backgrounds to man new coffee shops in disadvantaged urban communities.
Sounds like a) they realized it was a dumb idea and b) that they were Jewing themselves out of profit, because who wanted to get lectured on race?
Now they don’t have to worry about alienating people who are actually willing to buy their over-priced coffee.