Jew Propagandist Mort Zuckerman Says Jeb Bush will be Republican Nominee

Daily Slave
January 11, 2015

Jeb Bush – a race mixing Zionist who is good for the Jews.

The Jew media is already going into overdrive promoting Jeb Bush as their guy for 2016.  The old Jew propagandist Mort Zuckerman appeared on television stating his belief that Jeb Bush will be the 2016 Republican nominee for President.


US News and World Report Chairman and Editor-in-Chief and publisher of The New York Daily News, Mort Zuckerman predicted that Jeb Bush will win the 2016 GOP nomination on Friday’s “McLaughlin Group.”

After fellow panelist Eleanor Clift predicted that Jeb will “sew up the major GOP donors by Spring,” Zuckerman went one step further, declaring “Jeb Bush will be the Republican nominee for the presidency.”

Even though Jeb might be a good choice for subversive alien Jews and Israel, he is not what White America needs.  Jeb is a deranged race mixing Zionist who comes from a family of Jew tool traitors.  Both his brother and his father happily did the bidding for Jews and Israel during their time in office.

Anyone who supports Jeb Bush in 2016 is completely insane.  He supports the Jew inspired indoctrination program of Common Core, open borders and endless wars for Israel.

Many support Jeb Bush because they respect him for travelling all the way to Middle Earth to retrieve a goblin wife.
Many support Jeb Bush because they respect him for travelling all the way to Middle Earth to retrieve a goblin wife.