Jew Soldiers Raid Al Jazeera Offices in West Bank, Issue 45-Day Closure Order

Jews won’t let non-Jews have even a little bit of media.

They will send the military in to destroy you.

The Guardian:

Israeli forces raided the office of Al Jazeera in the occupied West Bank on Sunday and issued a 45-day closure order, the Qatari broadcaster said, with footage showing heavily armed and masked troops entering the premises in Ramallah.

“There is a court ruling for closing down Al Jazeera for 45 days,” an Israeli soldier told Al Jazeera’s West Bank bureau chief, Walid al-Omari, the network reported, citing the conversation which was broadcast live. “I ask you to take all the cameras and leave the office at this moment,” the soldier said.

Al-Omari reported that Israeli troops brought a truck to confiscate documents, devices and office property.

The broadcaster said the soldiers did not provide a reason for the closure order.

Al Jazeera denounced the raid as “a criminal act” and said in a statement it held the Israeli government responsible for the safety of its journalists.

The network added that it would take legal action to protect its rights and promised to continue its coverage. “Al Jazeera rejects the draconian actions, and the unfounded allegations presented by Israeli authorities to justify these illegal raids,” it said.

This is honestly very similar to what happened to the Daily Stormer.

Of course, no one cared about that, and now it’s happening to them, so it’s like that Holocaust poem about how that guy didn’t say things when people were taken away.

I hate that gay ass poem.