Jew Terrorist Duane Pohlman of NBC4 Harasses Andrew Anglin’s Mother

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 1, 2015

EDITOR’S NOTE: I wrote this article while under the impression that Pohlman was openly Jewish, but he is claiming on Twitter that he is not. Full explanation/tentative retraction is here. -AA

Jew terrorist Duane Pohlman: It isn't just national news that is run by Christ-killers - these people control your local stations as well.
Jew terrorist Duane Pohlman: It isn’t just national news that is run by Christ-killers – these people control your local stations as well.

Jews are a vicious and hateful group of terrorists, lacking any form of basic human decency. Whereas even a Negro will not (usually) go after a man’s mother in order to get at him, because it is just too low, the first line of attack for a Jew is to attack a man’s mother.

This happened to me a couple days ago when the filthy Jewish terroris Duane Pohlman (@duanespohlman) of local Columbus, Ohio news station NBC 4 literally showed up at my mother’s home to harass her, then featured a picture of her home in a news report.

Obviously (obvious to me, of course), the evil Jew Pohlman did this with the intent not simply of causing her discomfort, but also with the diabolical intent of soliciting violence against my mother.

Can you imagine anything more evil than this? If you are White, you probably cannot. But a Jew terrorist like Pohlman no doubt has even more diabolical schemes rattling around in his twisted Jew brain.

The attack came in the wake of the SPLC’s claim that Dylann Roof had commented on this website, a claim which the FBI or any other relevant law-enforcement agency has yet to confirm.

Six weeks after the SPLC made the claim (a bit slow, guys), the Jew Pohlman teamed-up with the ADL Jew Mark Pitcavage for an article on the topic, as well as a video report for WCMH.

The Daily Stormer is named after the former propaganda paper of Nazi Germany, called “DerSturmer.”

It’s filled with messages of hate.

The man behind it? Thirty-one-year-old Andrew Anglin..who, up until recently, lived in Worthington.

Mark Pitcavage, director of investigative research for the Anti-Defamation League, has tracked Anglin for years.

tfw this guy

Mark Pitcavage (@egavactip)
Mark Pitcavage (@egavactip)

has been “tracking you for years.”

“Andrew Anglin is one of the more energetic young white supremacists in the United States who has really dedicated his entire life, once he made the decision to spreading messages of hate across the country and beyond,” Pitcavage said.

Thanks for giving a nod to my dedication, Jew.

Anglin’s Daily Stormer is so popular among white supremacists, it appears even Dylann Roof, the alleged gunman behind the carnage in Charleston, was a contributor to it.

He was not a “contributor,” Jew. That is a libelous claim.

I think few people in central Ohio would have thought there could be any connection between the Charlestown shootings and the Columbus area,” said Pitcavage.

“Connection” is also libel.

Pitcavage said websites like this are certainly responsible for racist violence.

Libel again!

“White supremacist websites, many of which have implicit suggestions of violence or at the very least demonize various individuals or communities of people…might make someone want to target them because they are the enemy,” he said. “They definitely play a role in the decision-making process that causes some people to become violent.”

This is also libel.

I have absolutely nothing to do with Dylann Roof, and, as the SPLC is well aware, constantly discourage the use of violence.

I have never once in my life made another person’s decisions for them, you lying Jew snake, and if I did possess this magical power you have attributed to me, I certainly wouldn’t use it to make people shoot-up churches full of old women.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups and white supremacists, took a racist manifesto written by Roof and searched the web to find similarities. They found Roof’s writing posted repeatedly on the Daily Stormer, using the name AryanBlood1488.

The language is nearly the same as Roof’s, and one section is identical to what’s in his manifesto.

There are similarities in other posts, too.

Pitcavage said he believes Roof wrote these posts.

“I think the best way to put it is that there was enough of a connection in the ideas embodied in Andrew Anglin’s Daily Stormer website and Dylan Storm Roof’s own twisted beliefs that Dylann Roof felt comfortable in actually creating an account and posting messages to that site,” he said.

Posting does not require the creation of an account! More Jew lies!

NBC4’s Duane Pohlman tracked an address in Dublin tied to Andrew Anglin, and found his mother.

She didn’t want to talk.

Doing a story on this is fair enough, but why involve my mother?

But this is the price I pay for speaking out against these rats. It is not only me that must suffer, but my family as well.

The SPLC has previously engaged in a harassment campaign against my father and sister.

This is a very difficult position I am in, as I of course want my family to be safe from this kind of abuse. But what I am supposed to do? Few others are willing to expose these people, and as we all know:

Someone has to stop these kikes!

I won’t be visiting the home of Pohlman or his mother to harass him or her, because I was born with basic human morality. I have, however, contacted him on Twitter to let him know that we see he is not just some random crusader out to get at the truth, but a Jewish terrorist hiding his personal identity from the goyim he is trying to destroy.