Jewish Daily Forward Celebrates Return of Pederast Jew Nazi Leader MILO

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 18, 2017

Jewish journalists who didn’t understand the important Jewish role of MILO ran him out of town for promoting sex with teenage boys, something that they promote themselves nonstop.

MILO had gone a bit too far, perhaps, or perhaps Jew journalists didn’t know how important his role was to other Jews.

Anyway, now he’s back, after getting a bunch of funding to start a new website.


Back in February, it looked like Milo Yiannopoulos’s career was toast. After winning fame on the strength of President Trump’s campaign, the right-wing provocateur suffered a succession of setbacks after it was revealed that he once defended pederasty: He lost a book deal, a coveted speaking slot and his post at Breitbart News in one week. But as we hit the six-month mark of the Trump administration, Yiannopoulos has accomplished a quick comeback, once again commanding the attention of conservative fans and outraged foes.

It wasn’t “revealed” – it was just linked to, a YouTube clip that had been up since it had been recorded a year earlier. No one “discovered” a public video that had been watched hundreds of thousands of times.

But note that the Jews are using the word “pederasty” rather than what they used when they attacked him – “pedophilia.”

“Pederasty” is of course the correct term. They call it “pedophilia” wrongly in order to protect other homosexuals. All homosexuals are pederasts, not all are pedophiles.

Yiannopoulos re-emerged in May, when he slammed the singer Ariana Grande and headlined a protest against activist Linda Sarsour’s commencement address at CUNY’s public health school. “Sadly, Ariana Grande is too stupid to wise up and warn her European fans about the real threats to their freedom and their lives,” the British-born Yiannopoulos wrote only a few hours after dozens of people had been killed in a terror attack at the pop star’s concert in Manchester, England. He continued the broadsides at his New York speech against Sarsour later in the week; he spoke under a driving rain and denounced the Muslim civil rights leader as a “Sharia-embracing, terrorist-embracing, Jew-hating ticking time-bomb of progressive horror.”

Since then, Yiannopoulos has only garnered more attention, with the Independence Day release of his book “Dangerous” — a title ripped from the visits he made to American college campuses as part of his self-declared “Dangerous Faggot” tour. Panned in numerous outlets, the book is divided into laundry list chapters about why various demographics hate him – including feminists, Black Lives Matter activists and the media. It also includes occasional discussions of Yiannopoulos’s sexual interest in black men, which he often invokes to dispel charges of racism. Nonetheless, the memoir has shot to the top of the Amazon best-seller list — a definite sign that Yiannopoulos’s star continues to shine brightly. His achievement was made more impressive, given the fact that he self-published the memoir, following Simon & Schuster’s decision to dump his title in February.

I’m a bit shocked I didn’t get a reviewer’s copy of that.

I’ve said that I would read it and write an honest review. Even though he didn’t write it – he didn’t write any of his articles at Breitbart either, he’s just a personality – he presumably inspired it.

But I am not giving $18.00 to a homosexual Jew who once tried to steal my brand.

As the summer continues, Yiannopoulos’s plans seem to be up in the air. Will he write another book, launch another hair-raising speaking tour, start his own media outlet, join an existing one? These are unknowns. But already he’s done something impressive: He’s maintained and expanded his public profile after a scandal that may have felled longer-time celebrities.

Yeah, he definitely did that.

Remember, I said that would happen.

He’s even been embraced by fellow “conservative kike” David Horowitz.