Milo Yiannopoulos is Off of the YE24 Campaign

Officially as of Sunday, Milo Yiannopoulos is no longer associated with YE24.

Ethan Ralph writes:

I’ve been told by a top level YE24 source that Milo Yiannopoulos has been removed from the operation after a move against Chief Nick Fuentes.

A quote from the source gives you a little flavor:

“It was like Brutus tripped over his own toga.”

This attempted power play has seen Milo relegated to the sidelines.

I’m also told that this was agreed upon by all key players within the nascent YE24 campaign. Apparently, there has been major friction over Yiannopoulos’ alleged treachery behind-the-scenes, with multiple unnamed (but extremely knowledgeable) sources saying that he has fallen out totally with Fuentes and that this failed power play is the culmination of that.

I can’t confirm this, but I can confirm that Ralph definitely has connections within the YE24 campaign.

Yiannopoulos confirmed that he is no longer involved on his Telegram channel:

I have no desire to disparage Yiannopoulos, and I have no information about the details of this situation. However, I know that many people were voicing concerns about his involvement from the time it was announced, and my response was that we have seen that Ye is a very good judge of character and will make the right calls about staff.

Personally, I believe very strongly that Nick Fuentes is the ideal person to lead the YE24 campaign, and it appears now that he is the de facto campaign manager.

Insider sources allegedly claim that it was Nick’s personal decision to completely remove the entire braking system from the Ye Train. According to these alleged sources, Nick ordered all of the components destroyed after removal so that it would be impossible to ever reinstall a breaking system on this train.

Alleged experts supposedly already fear that the speeds the Ye Train is traveling at could tear a hole in the space-time continuum, and that if the train were to derail, it could trigger a molecular chain reaction that would destroy the entire universe.

Thankfully, Jesus keeps this train on the tracks.