Jewish Journalist Laments the Historical “Restrictions” Placed on Hebrews at Harvard

A Jewish journalist named Ian Shapira recently wrote a piece for the WaPo bemoaning the entry “restrictions” placed on Jews by Harvard University’s administrators in the early twentieth century.

Unfortunately for him, his article achieved little but prove that Harvard was infested with kikes even back then.

Washington Post:

In the early 20th century, some of Harvard’s leaders were deeply upset. Jews — “Hebrews” as they were dubbed at the Cambridge campus — were on the rise. Harvard’s president, Abbott Lawrence Lowell, was pushing for a cap. Fifteen percent seemed just the right amount to him. But to investigate the dilemma even further, Harvard decided to count the number of Jews enrolled between 1900 and 1922. The university wanted to see the exact rising slope of its Jewish demographic.

So, Harvard combed enrollment cards and other college records of students from the previous two decades, classifying each person into one of four categories: J1: a bona fide Jew. J2: more than likely a Jew; J3: “might be” a Jew; and, then “Other.”

Not a bad system. Though I think a “J0: Handrubbing Shekelmaster” category should have been added for the George Soros types, because those are the ones they really needed to watch out for.

The report’s conclusion: Just 7 percent of Harvard’s enrollment in 1900 was Jewish. By 1909, it was 10 percent. Six years later, it rose again to 15 percent. And in 1922, it was 21.5 percent, according to “The Chosen,” Jerome Karabel’s 2005 investigation into the history of Ivy League admissions.

To Lowell, the study confirmed his worst fears. “The summer hotel that is ruined by admitting Jews meets its fate, not because the Jews it admits are of bad character, but because they drive away the Gentiles, and then after the Gentiles have left, they leave also,” Lowell wrote in 1922 to a Harvard philosophy professor.

According to the Jewish Virtual Library, there were between 937,800 and 1,058,135 Jewish tapirs in the US in 1900 (a median of 997,967), while the total population of the US in 1900 was 76,212,168.

If Microsoft 10’s calculator is correct (which it might not be, because pajeets), that means that Jews were only 1.31% of the US population in 1900, thus already overrepresented at Harvard by over 500%!

And, of course, that percentage got higher and higher with each passing year… but we’re still supposed to think that we were persecuting these people!

Today, Harvard is essentially being accused of doing the same thing to Asian Americans. For the last four years, a group of Asian American students who applied to Harvard and were rejected has been suing the university, arguing that they were the subject of discrimination and that Harvard has been setting unofficial quotas. At the end of last month, even the Justice Department weighed in on the federal case, saying that plaintiffs’ evidence proves that the school has been engaging in “racial balancing” to select its classes, possibly running afoul of the Supreme Court’s limits on affirmative action.

Yes, it is. What the author cohenveniently forgets to mention, however, is that the Harvard of today is an almost totally Jewish institution. The president is a Jew, the faculty members are disproportionately Jewish, and the student body literally contains more Jews than actual whites:

This was back in 2014. It’s even worse now.

So the author – a Princeton graduate himself – is implicitly blaming whites for the fact that his fellow tribesmen are the ones pushing “Asian-Americans” (and other non-Jews) from Harvard.

Now that’s what I call chutzpah!

Here’s Shapira’s Twitter account. Using our black Twitter accounts, we should let him know that his tribe’s overrepresentation at Ivy League schools prevented our chilluns from getting dem diplomas. Tell him about how young Quantavious had dreams of attending Harvard Law School just like Obama, but he got rejected in favor of Jews and is now slinging crack on 5 Mile instead.