Jewish Newspaper Airbrushed Out all the Female Politicians from Paris March of the Hypocrites

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
January 15, 2015

Impressive, really.

Much is written about the way Moslems make their women cover up, but it is rarely mentioned that the orthodox Jews do the same.

This week though it hit the mainstream news, when orthodox Israeli newspaper The Announcer airbrushed out all the female politicians on their front cover, which was a picture of the worlds biggest hypocrites marching arm in arm through Paris on Sunday.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo were both missing from the image, along with Danish Prime Minster, Helle Thorning-Shmidt.

This is actually more extreme than what the Moslems do.

Daily Mail:

It’s believed the women were removed from the historic image, taken on January 11, so the newspaper would not offend its highly devout Orthodox readers.

Swiss President, Simonetta Sommaru, has been left as a blur behind a crowd of faces, while the EU’s foreign affairs and security chief, Frederica Mogherini, was left out entirely.

The women were among 40 world leaders who lined arms with their male counterparts to lead a million people through Paris, in a statement of international solidarity following the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

Six of the magazine’s journalists, killed by two masked gunmen, were among 17 innocent people to lose their lives in a wave of terror attacks in Paris last week.

French newspapers have blasted The Announcer’s ‘hypocritical’ front page, which they believe disrespects ‘the unity of the march’.

One reader in Israel said: ‘They are not protecting women from leering men, or men from illicit thoughts.

They are telling their community that women have no place in society outside the home. Very sad and very disturbing.’

Three years ago, another orthodox Jewish newspaper, Di Tzeitung, sparked anger in the US by removing then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, from a 2001 image of the White House situation room during the raid which killed Osama Bin Laden.