Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 18, 2015

We here at the Daily Stormer have been covering the weird drama of the Half-Negroid Japanese Miss Universe winner who, after being declared the most beautiful woman in Japan despite her monkey-like features, came out and demanded Japan transform itself into a multicultural hell-hole. She is despised by the Japanese themselves, who are a generally racist bunch, and so we felt a bit confused as to how this whole thing went down.
Well, of course, the site rule holds true, every single time: It’s the Jews.

As crazy as this may sound, the Japanese Miss Universe contest was originally organized and run by a French Jew woman named Inès Ligron. Her Wikipedia article does not say she is Jew, but on her personal blog you can read about her son’s bar mitzvah.

I must note that it is possible that only her husband is Jew, but that is unlikely as generally by Jew religious standards, a Jew child is not considered Jew if only his father is Jew, so it is unlikely they would be having a bar mitzvah for the boy if he was not religiously considered Jew. (And even if she isn’t herself a Jew, the fact that she is married to a Jew and has Jew children means that she is Jew in her soul, and influenced in her actions by Jew ideological norms, and her Jew husband.)

Every. Single. Time.
There are no exceptions.
It really hits you like a freight train when you realize just how true this is.