Jews Bomb Humanitarian Aid Convoy in Gaza Hours After Shooting at UN Food Agency Vehicle

Previously: UN Food Agency Suspends Gaza Operations After Jews Shoot Staff Near Checkpoint

Those rascally Jews…!

It looks like they’re going to go ahead and kill everyone!

The Guardian:

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have said they carried out an airstrike on a humanitarian aid convoy in Gaza aimed at “armed assailants” trying to hijack it but the charity that organised the aid said people killed in the strike were employees of the transport company it was working with.

Who would be trying to hijack it?

It’s already free aid.

The convoy, organised by the US-based NGO Anera, was carrying medical supplies and fuel to an Emirati-run hospital in Rafah on Thursday evening at the time of the attack. Its route had been coordinated in advance with the IDF, under a deconfliction process intended to prevent aid vehicles being bombed.

Anera’s Palestine country director, Sandra Rasheed, said: “This is a shocking incident. The convoy, which was coordinated by Anera and approved by Israeli authorities, included an Anera employee who was fortunately unharmed.

“Tragically, several individuals, all employed by the transportation company we work with, were killed in the attack. They were in the first vehicle of the convoy.”

Unconfirmed reports from Gaza said five people were killed in the airstrike.

The airstrike on the convoy came hours after Israeli soldiers opened fire on a World Food Programme (WFP) vehicle clearly marked with UN insignia, travelling in a convoy of two.

There is zero chance that the Jews are doing this by accident.

Honestly, I don’t understand why these NGOs keep telling the Jews where they’re going to be.

They’d probably be better off just not telling the Jews where they’re going to be. They would be better crawling around like ninjas.

At least then they would have a chance.