Jews Kill Six UN Aid Workers in Strike on Gaza School Sheltering Refugees

Previously: Bulbous UN Chief Demands Jews be Held Accountable for Systematically Murdering UN Aid Workers

Oh, Jews.

Oh my dear Jews.

Aren’t you already under enough trouble for killing so many UN aid workers?

You’re going to purposefully kill even more of them?

Aren’t you… at least a little bit worried this is all going to come back on you?

The Guardian:

Israel has bombed a UN school sheltering displaced people in central Gaza, killing at least 18 people, including the shelter manager and five other Unrwa staff.

The al-Jaouni school in Nuseirat is home to about 12,000 displaced people, mostly women and children, the UN said. It has been hit five times since the start of the war in Gaza.

The UN secretary general, António Guterres, called the attack “totally unacceptable” and said it broke international laws that protect civilians in war. “These dramatic violations of international humanitarian law need to stop now.”

The EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said he was “outraged” by the bombing. “The disregard of the basic principles of international humanitarian law, especially protection of civilians, cannot and should not be accepted by the international community.”

German’s foreign ministry also condemned the attack and called on Israel to protect UN staff and aid workers.

The UN Palestinian relief agency, Unwra, has turned its schools across Gaza into shelters as Israeli airstrikes and ground operations forced most residents to flee their homes. An estimated 90% of people in Gaza are displaced, many moving to try to stay alive.

Israel said the strike targeted a Hamas “command and control centre” inside the school, but did not provide evidence or details. It has repeatedly bombed schools used as shelters for displaced people, claiming that militants used the sites and their residents as human shields.

The airstrikes on Wednesday night were the deadliest for Unwra staff since the start of the war, although previous attacks have killed hundreds of Palestinian civilians in other schools.

This is the highest death toll among our staff in a single incident,” the agency said. “Among those killed was the manager of the Unwra shelter and other team members providing assistance to displaced people.”

The Jews have claimed that the UN is a terrorist group.

So I guess all these murders make sense, in light of that.