Jews to Take ‘Teen Vogue’ Out of Circulation

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
November 2, 2017

If you ever wondered how all urban women 16-30 seem to be vapid J-leftists, look no further than Teen Vogue. Jews make really dumb cunts feel smart by regurgitating the J-left propaganda they read in a format written for 5-year-olds.

Using the medium of fashion and glamour, Jews have politicized and poisoned young women against their fathers, their brothers, their boyfriends and especially their folk. Femininity is divorced from motherhood and love and instead channeled towards materialism, Tinder, narcissism and throwing your unborn infant in acid simply because women have never been shown anything else.

But Teen Vogue’s editor is no dummy. Her name is Elaine Welteroth, she is a Jewlatto who despises white people and Western civilization and makes sure all her career-climbing underlings follow that editorial line.

In a small victory for the Goyim, the Jews at Conde Nast (Robert A. Sauerberg, etc) have found it untenable to continue subsidizing this trash.


Condé Nast is expected to complete its final round of cuts by next Thursday, WWD has learned.

The New York-based publisher, which has instilled a hiring freeze, will slash about 80 jobs, equal to a decrease of about 2.5 percent of its 3,000-person workforce. Budgets across departments are also expected to get a haircut, with the worst-performing divisions and magazines getting cuts of up to 20 percent.

As part of that mandate, Condé is reducing the frequencies of most of its titles and will shutter Teen Vogue in print. Monthly titles Vanity Fair, Vogue, Wired and The New Yorker, which publishes weekly, will not see any frequency changes. Brides, which runs six times a year, will also continue at that publishing pace.

All of the magazines this company publishes are as toxic as black New York City snow.

The real reason Jews are making a massive push to shut down free speech on the internet is because their traditional monopoly on print and cable has become obsolete.

The extreme political line pushed by The New Yorker and Vanity Fair does not resonate with normal people. They need to suffocate and no-platform mediums like The Daily Stormer that have a far more popular message.

Who can blame them. If Jews don’t control absolutely everything and everyone, they are exposed and thus their power is vulnerable. The Jewish question is not esoteric super-science. If Medieval Polish peasants got it, so can this generation.

Watching the shutters come down on (((Elaine Welteroth’s))) giraffe neck may be satisfying, but the war for free speech and national liberation is only beginning.