Jews Whining as Facebook and Instagram Don’t Consider “From the River to the Sea” Hate Speech

Is “From the River to the Sea” hate speech?

It might not sound as though it is, but actually it is, because anything Jews don’t like is hate speech.

That is the definition of the term. It’s called “hate speech” because it is speech Jews hate.

New York Post:

Several members of Meta’s Oversight Board – which faced intense criticism after it determined the anti-Israel phrase “from the river to the sea” doesn’t constitute hate speech – have espoused views critical of Israel’s actions in Gaza.

The advisory board, which claims to be independent from Meta, determined that Facebook and Instagram users can use the controversial slogan – which has sprung up at anti-Israeli protests around the country – as long as it is not used in a way that glorifies Hamas or calls for violence.

Founded in 2020 with approval from Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg, the Oversight Board currently consists of 21 members who “come from a variety of cultural and professional backgrounds, speak more than 30 languages and are chosen to be reflective of the diverse users of Facebook, Instagram and Threads,” according to its website.

Yeah, if you put a bunch of brown people on your censorship board, they’re going to side with Palestine. That’s the way it goes, Jews. Get over it.

Yet past remarks by several members call into question their ability to remain impartial regarding the slogan, which refers to the idea of a Palestinian state stretching across the land in between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea – the land currently controlled by Israel.

Its members include Tawakkol Karman, a Yemini activist and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, who declared in a speech last May at the Vatican that the “world is silent in front of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people in Gaza.” Israel denounced her speech as “flagrantly anti-Semitic.”

Alan Rusbridger, the former editor-in-chief of left-leaning UK news outlet The Guardian, penned a column earlier this year arguing that, while “real and vile antisemitism” does exist, the “horrors of 7 October most certainly did not happen in a vacuum.” He also weighed in on the debate over “from the river to the sea.”

Some even thought the chant worthy of prosecution. Yet Netanyahu recently pronounced that Israel “must have security control over the entire territory west of the Jordan River” – thereby wiping out the idea of a state of Palestine. Is one sayable, and the other not?” Rusbridger wrote.

Nighat Dad, the director of the Pakistan-based Digital Rights Foundation, accused Facebook in a 2018 column of caving to Israel by “silencing the voices of a historically victimized people for calling of what can rightfully be called an occupying state is confirmation of the influence that some governments have on Silicon Valley tech giants.”

Endy Bayuni, an Oversight Board member and senior editor at the Jakarta Post, penned a column last April that argued Indonesia “should be seen championing an independent Palestinian state and full membership of the United Nations.”

The Oversight Board did not reveal which of its members had participated in the vote or a tally of how many had voted for and against the decision. The Post has reached out to the board for comment.


This is why Facebook is better than Twitter.

Elon Musk is a fat, gay retard.

He hates freedom and will crush it at every turn.

Facebook allows people to work to END THE JEWS once and for all.