John McCain Says Circumcision Held Him Back From Converting To Judaism

Jacob Kornbluh
The Yeshiva World
December 23, 2013

aa-John-McCain-wearing-beanie-at-Wailing-WallSenior Republican Senator and former GOP Presidential nominee, John McCain once considered converting to Judaism – at the age of 74 – until his friend, former Senator Joe Lieberman, talked him out of it.

In a lengthy profile on Senator McCain in Sunday’s NY Times, McCain spoke to Mark Lebovich about his intimate relationship with Joe Leiberman and recounted a funny episode he had with him over Judaism.

“Funny story about Lieberman,” Senator McCain recalled. The Israeli ambassador in Washington honored him after he left the Senate. “Everyone was saying Joe’s the most wonderful guy, the usual stuff you hear,” McCain said. “So I got up, I was the last guy, and I say: ‘I’m here to announce that I’m converting to Judaism. Because for all these years with Joe, I’ve had to eat that crappy salmon. I had to ride the damn Shabbat elevator. I’ve observed Shabbat to a point where I couldn’t even ride in a goddamn car. I’ve had all of the bull associated with this religion, and I’ve gotten not a single benefit. So I’m converting to Judaism.’”

“Lieberman then stood up and announced that before McCain could convert, he must first have a proper bris. In the retelling, McCain pronounces it “brits” — which is how he pronounced it when he told me this story a week earlier,” Lebovich writes.

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