Judges Decide to Go Lenient on Brown-Skinned Abominations Who Bludgeoned White Mother to Death with Metal Fruit Bowl

Chicago CBS Local
April 3, 2015

Sheila von Wiese-Mack had taken the mongrel daughter and her brown boyfriend on holiday with her to Bali, where they both repaid her kindness by sadistically slaughtering her and then stuffing the body into a suitcase.

Indonesian prosecutors on Tuesday sought jail sentences of 18 years for an American man and 15 years for his girlfriend if they are found guilty of murdering the woman’s mother while vacationing on the resort island of Bali last year.

The prosecutors told the court that Tommy Schaefer and Heather Mack, who appeared in court with their 2-week-old daughter, were guilty of premeditated murder. The panel of judges could ignore the sentencing request and decide to impose the maximum, death by a firing squad, if it convicts them.

“The defendant has committed sadistic acts to her own mother,” chief prosecutor Eddy Arta Wijaya told the court at Mack’s trial. “However, we’ve decided to be lenient because she repeatedly expressed remorse and has a newborn baby.”

The badly beaten body of Sheila von Wiese-Mack, 62, was found in a suitcase in the trunk of a taxi outside an upscale hotel in August.

The judges excuse for being lenient is that the murderous abomination has just given birth.

Wijaya asked the judges to declare the defendants guilty with the fact that Schaefer deliberately brought a metal fruit bowl when he came to the room at the St. Regis where Mack and her mother were staying, on a different floor from his own room.

Mack helped stuff her mother’s body in the suitcase by sitting on it to enable Schaefer to close it, prosecutors said.

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