Kansas: Vans Employee Says “Fuck You” to 14-Year-Old Boy Who Refused to Remove MAGA Hat

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2019

Although this isn’t near the level of the psychotic meltdown a vape shop employee exposed to another MAGA hat had, it shows that this stuff still happens pretty often. In the case of the vape shop, the customer stood his ground, and in this case, the mom of the boy entered battle mode and defended her kid.

But what about all the boys wearing MAGA hats that are alone in those situations?

What about all the Trump supporters that finding themselves in those situations choose the default strategy of the right in America, which is to not make anymore trouble and silently leave?

Daily Mail:

A Vans employee has been fired after he was caught on video saying ‘f**k you’ to a 14-year-old boy who refused to remove his MAGA hat.  

The teen entered the Overland Park, Kansas, store with his mother and other family members over the weekend.

In the video, the teen’s mother is seen confronting the employee about what he said to her son.

‘He did nothing to you. And what did you say to my son, to my 14-year-old son?’ she asks the man.

‘I’m sure he’s heard it before,’ the employee responded.

‘What did you say again?’ the mother asks a second time. The employee then admits to saying ‘f**k you’ to the teenager.

People expressing their support for the president of the United States of America are openly attacked in the United States of America.

Don’t think for a second that these people care about the age of what they see as their enemy. They don’t. The employee would gladly have punched the boy from this story if given the chance.

The brains of the liberal types have been deeply rewired to mix their identity with the globalists ideals. An attack on open borders is an attack on them. An attack on homogeneity is an attack on them. An attack on globalism is an attack on them.

They’ve been effectively turned into zombies that look forward to eating their own so everyone is as dead inside as they are.

Globalism is a virus.