Kids Who Use More Soap and Sunscreen Have Higher Levels of Hormone Disrupting Chemicals

See: Self-Help Sunday: Time to Drop the Soap, Foam Cuck

We’ve been telling you for years that soap is a toxic estrogenic concoction that is poisoning your hormonal system and turning you into a pudgy faggot.

This has been known since at least the 1990s. It was never a secret.

People are just retards.

The Guardian:

Children who use more personal care products like sunscreen, lotion, soaps and haircare items have higher levels of toxic phthalates in their bodies, new research finds, and the highest levels were found in Black and Latino children.

The study checked more than 600 urine samples from four- to eight-year-olds for phthalates, which are highly toxic endocrine disruptors that can alter hormone production, and are linked to reproductive, immune system and metabolic diseases. They are also considered developmental toxicants that impact children’s behavior and learning ability.

The study’s findings are “concerning”, said Michael Bloom, a George Mason University researcher and lead author of the study.

“The results show that the use of skincare products on children are sources of exposure to these chemicals,” Bloom said. “What also definitely raises concern is that these products tend to be used frequently and over long periods of time.”

Phthalates are common plasticizers used in plastic containers across the economy, and many companies also add them as ingredients to personal care products to help stabilize them or carry fragrances. Phthalates can migrate from plastic containers into personal care items, and recent testing has also found them widely contaminating food and medications.

Though the body eliminates the chemicals quickly, humans are exposed to such a high level of them and via so many routes that the consistent exposure presents a health risk.

“The habits that predispose us to exposure to these chemicals, like use of lotion, tend to be routine, so we often end up with a scenario in which by the time we eliminate one dose … we’re putting on lotion the next morning, and this state of pseudo persistence can emerge,” he said.

The study found boys tended to have higher levels than girls, and the varying levels among racial groups may have to do with socioeconomic factors, brand preferences, accessibility, methods of product application or frequency of use, Bloom said.

There is no reason to use soap at all. If you just scrub your body in a hot shower, it removes all of the dead skin cells.

If you are going to use soap, you can get soap that has only one ingredient, such as olive oil. But even that is not necessary.

Aside from not turning into a homosexual, you will also have much nicer skin if you stop using soap. If you get rashes or acne or dry skin, that will all go away with the cessation of soap usage.