Kike r/StarTrek Mods Announce Plan to Ban Anyone Who Won’t Shill for Discovery

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 29, 2019

As we are all too well aware, Jews will always climb their way to the top of governments, the media, corporations, academia and really any other institution that exists in Western society.

However, it is important to understand that they will also weasel their way into any other position of power that exists in society, no matter how seemingly minor or trivial.

For example, all internet forums end up being moderated by Jews.

No joke.

And anyone who has experience with forums knows this without me having to tell them. Sometimes they will even admit that they’re Jews. I remember hearing someone tell a story about an atheist Facebook forum they were in that was all about attacking Christianity and even Islam, but when they attacked Judaism – just the religion, not the race – the thread was deleted and they were warned about anti-Semitism by the moderator. They asked the moderator if he was Jewish and he said no. They later found out that he was “raised Jewish” – meaning he was a racial Jew – but wasn’t religiously Jewish.

I have just discovered a pinned post from the moderators on r/StarTrek entitled “If you don’t have anything nice to say…”, declaring that anyone who doesn’t shill for Star Trek: Discovery will be banned.

All of that is simply saying that they are going to start more aggressively banning people for saying negative things about Discovery – something that they were already doing.

Now: do I have any evidence that u/Corgana is Jewish?

I do not, other than the obvious fact that no one other than a Jew would defend Star Trek: Discovery, and you would have to be an ultra-Jew to announce that anyone who calls people out for shilling for Discovery will be suspended or banned.

Everyone hates this show.

And they don’t even hate it because of interracial analism.

Or the black woman who can do anything by virtue of being black AND a woman.

Or the fat Jewish woman who is somehow fat even though it’s 200 years in the future and your food can literally be manufactured atom by atom (meaning that it would be effectively impossible for any food to be unhealthy).

No, mainly the show is hated for the completely non-political reasons that it is just an absolute piece of shit and that it viciously attacks every element of the established franchise.

It is not really even possible to dissect why it is bad, because everything about it is so bad.

Just off the top of my head:

  • It isn’t science fiction at all – let alone hard science fiction – it is “science fantasy.”
  • The plots are meandering tripe that rely exclusively on deus ex machina – which usually takes the form of actual magic – to remain coherent, and there are still all kinds of plot holes.
  • The dialogue is stilted and contrived.
  • The show does not have themes or symbolism.
  • It is a soap opera.
  • None of the characters make any sense or have clear motivations, and they do things that make no sense for no reason.
  • The entire concept of Star Trek is thrown out, everything is dark, members of Starfleet are evil, and most of the plot revolves around Section 31, which is a Starfleet intelligence agency. The entire concept of utopianism is inverted – Discovery’s universe is a dystopia.
  • Lens flares, pointless action scenes.
  • The main character, the black bitch, is able to do anything at any time, without explanation. As if she has magic powers.
  • All previous continuity and canon is not simply thrown out, but actually mocked.

And it just goes on and on and on.

Everything that could be bad about this show is bad, and things you didn’t even think a show could fuck up, it fucks up.

The show is of course created and run by a Jew, Alex Kurtzman.

The shocking thing is that Trek fans in general are – obviously – beta males, who wouldn’t really have cared if the show had a bunch of gayniggers and whatever other Jewish bullshit.

As a literary critic, I will be the first to admit that a piece of literature can be good even if it has themes that I disagree with, or even if it presents an entire ideology that is the opposite of my own. Likewise, a piece of literature that promotes an ideology I am sympathetic to could be poorly done. The quality of a story exists outside of the realm of ideology.

In fact, Star Trek was always pretty Jewish. The original series had the first interracial kiss ever shown on television, when Captain Kirk, played by the Jew William Shatner, kissed the negress Uhura.

It had mainly progressive themes throughout its history. The entire concept of the show is basically a metaphor for interracial globalism.

But these Jews making the new series decided to attempt to transform the franchise into something more culturally relevant than Star Trek ever had been previously, and in attempting to do that, destroyed the entire thing.

Every single Star Trek fan hates this show.

Instead of hiring this Jew Kurtzman, they could have just called up Ronald D. Moore and been like “yo, we need a new Star Trek show, and we want it to be full-double-anal with niggers coming out of the wazoo and all the bad guys are Nazis,” and he would have been like “yeah, sure.” And with modern cinematographic technology, they would have had a solid science fiction show that pushed all of their Jewish bullshit ideology but which fans and new fans would like.

Alternatively, they could have just let Seth MacFarlane put a Star Trek logo on his Star Trek show, which is actually watchable.

Also alternatively, they could have just made that Black Mirror Star Trek episode into a show, because that shit was friggin’ fantastic.

Instead, their strategy was “fuck the fans, we can make this into a Game of Thrones-tier normie cultural phenomenon if we just make shit look cool.”

Point being: I don’t believe that anyone watches this show, and CBS is very lucky that they’re airing it on their own streaming service so that no one knows how many people are watching it.

All of the people shilling for it on the internet are Jews, and now the Jewish moderators at Reddit have decided that in order to keep up the illusion that someone, somewhere doesn’t hate this horrible show, they have to ban people for criticizing it.

This is exactly why the Germans elected Adolf Hitler.