Kike Starbucks Head Says Global Warming is Going to Make His Coffee Shittier

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 28, 2018

I’m a big coffee guy.

And I can tell you.

Starbucks coffee was always shit.

Not good taste (unless it is one of their special brews – some of those actually are okay, not gonna lie, but they’re so overpriced it’s insane).

People drink it because:

  • It has absurd amounts of caffeine (Red Bull tier)
  • It is a social signal
  • The stores have a comfortable environment (DEFUNCT: now filled with crackhead niggers)

But the Jew head of Starbucks is announcing that it will soon be even shittier – because of global warming.

Business Insider:

Outgoing Starbucks executive chairman Howard Schultz is worried about the future of your morning coffee ritual.

“Climate change is going to play a bigger role in affecting the quality and integrity of coffee,” Schultz told Time on a recent visit to a Starbucks coffee farm in Costa Rica.

As the Earth warms, predictable weather systems are going haywire. Rainy seasons are turning dry in some areas, while increased precipitation has brought flooding to others.

Scientists predict that the “coffee suitable” growing spots in Latin America (where plant-pollinating bees thrive) could be reduced 88% by 2050, while temperatures on the Tanzanian highlands are already at their upper limit for coffee production.

Starbucks is the fourth largest coffee seller in the world, according to 2017 research from Euromonitor International, so the company has a lot to lose when it comes to climate change. To confront that threat, Starbucks is researching new heat-resistant tree varieties and making findings open-source information. The company is also giving farmers seedlings and seeds from newly developed strains of coffee trees, vowing to put 100 million in the ground by 2025.

“We have to be in the soil, growing coffee, to understand firsthand how to rectify and fix the situation,” Schultz told Time.

This is all bullshit.

Manmade global warming is an idiotic hoax which has been SCIENTIFICALLY DISPROVEN long ago, but these people just keep talking about it.

The earth may or may not be in a warming period (even that isn’t clear), but it isn’t caused by gosh darned carbon dioxide.

Even if it were true that we are in a serious warming period which is going to make it difficult to grow coffee in Costa Rica, that just means you could grow it further north.

Hey – ain’t that a thing.

We could grow it in America, if the kike Schultz theory is correct.

This Jew

I don’t know what he doesn’t get about the fact that his aggressive pushing of Jew agendas onto his customers is a bad business strategy.

He’s allegedly voluntarily leaving as head of the company, but I’m sure the shareholders aren’t sad to see him go.

Stocks fell 10% and they were forced to close 150 stores as a result of his insane agenda to turn the entire coffee chain into a homeless shelter for nigger crackheads.

Now he’s turning his entire staff into trannies.

Anyway, I hate Starbucks, this is all funny to me – he’s gone into hyperdrive on his way out.

Global warming tho.

I can’t even believe this is still going on. That they’re still saying this shit. It’s really more incredible than the Holocaust. At least the Holocaust was a long time ago and doesn’t really rely on science that much (it does technically, but those details don’t ever get brought up).

Global warming is really a bigger scam than the Holocaust. Not in terms of the effect of it, but in terms of just the ability to pull it off.

You can go into the science if you want.

But Dan Pena has explained it a lot simpler.