Kinky-Haired Colored Boy on Trial for UMass Rape

Daily Stormer
November 30, 2015

Caleb Womack
Caleb Womack

Even college rapes are all done by colored folks.

Rape culture for ya.

Boston Globe:

The trial of a fourth defendant charged with raping a University of Massachusetts student in her Amherst dorm room three years ago is scheduled to start Monday in Hampshire Superior Court. Caleb Womack, 20, of Enfield, Conn., has denied raping the student in October 2012. His trial was originally scheduled to start on Nov. 16, but it was delayed after a psychologist testified that he suffered from depression and was unable to make rational decisions. He was ruled competent to stand trial last week. The other three defendants were convicted.

Here’s the whole gang-rape team:


Yeah, one does pass as White. But pimple-face untermensch.