KKK Successfully Puts Up Pro-White “Love Your People” Billboard in Arkansas

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 2, 2015

Deranged whackjobs, including the Mayor of the town in which it's located, have nonsensically claimed the billboard encouraging love is a sign of hatred.
Deranged whackjobs, including the Mayor of the town in which it’s located, have nonsensically claimed the billboard encouraging love is a sign of hatred.

The Knights Club of the Ku Klux Klan has successfully managed to get a pro-White billboard hung in Arkansas. The sign, placed along Highway 65 is an ad for “White Pride Radio” and reads “it’s not racist to heart your people.”

The people support the sign.

“I don’t see it as being any kind of a racism sign,” said Yolanda Riggins of Fayetteville to Ozarksfirst.com.

“It makes people stop and look. I mean you start wondering, what does the sign really mean?” said Dale Riggins, another Fayetteville resident.

Thomas Robb, diretor of the KKK chapter sponsoring the sign, said “The message is white people have the right to be proud of who they are. Everybody else has a right to be proud and I don’t deny that.”

Evil Harrison Mayor Jeff Crockett wants the KKK and other love-mongers to get the hell out of his hate-filled town.
Evil Harrison Mayor Jeff Crockett wants the KKK and other love-mongers to get the hell out of his hate-filled town.

But the mayor of Harrison, the town wherein the billboard is located, is a complete hater and says the sign of love is not welcome in his town.

“I would hope more people would stand up and say this isn’t us. We’re not all about this,” said Mayor Jeff Crockett, who is from Chicago and achieved his position of Mayor of a Southern town through underhanded subterfuge.

The evil Chicago-native Mayor Crockett has prevoiously attacked other pro-White billboards
The evil Chicago-native Mayor Crockett has prevoiously attacked other pro-White billboards
Many people do not like the fact that an invasive outsider is forcing his gross alien value system on the townsfolk.
Many people do not like the fact that an invasive outsider is forcing his gross alien value system on the townsfolk.

This is the second pro-White billboard that the Mayor has attacked.

Calling a sign which calls for love a sign of hatred is ridiculous and clearly demonstrates just how driven by racial hatred the anti-White movement actually is.

I am hereby calling for the racist White-hating Mayor of Harrison, Arkansas, Jeff Crockett, to resign and move to Liberia, permanently, where he can forever engage in his sick and unnatural hatred for his own people.