Klan Leader Frank Ancona Disappears Under Mysterious Circumstances and is Found Dead

Hunter Wallace
Occidental Dissent
February 12, 2017

Well, this could be a murder mystery. We don’t know yet.

I’ve seen Frank Ancona in a few Klan documentaries. He didn’t strike me as being particularly radical. Quite the opposite. In fact, I remember him being one these Klan charity guys who handed out paper bag lunches, befriended black people and who tried to find common ground with Anonymous. He was pro-White and a Klansman, but otherwise, he came off as very moderate.

Update 1: The charity event that I saw on television is at 11:40 in the “KKK: Beneath The Hood” Doc.

Update 2: Blacks and Antifas are trolling Frank Ancona’s son’s Facebook page and celebrating the death of his father. We don’t know yet if this was a murder. That’s the Tolerant Left for you. These people are so driven by hate that they would celebrate the murder of someone for ideological reasons. They would even go on the Facebook page of a grieving family member to express their joy.

There’s a huge difference between us. When Glenn Miller went on his shooting spree, I condemned him for targeting innocent people. When Dylann Roof went on his shooting spree, I condemned him too for targeting innocent people. I’m actually a fairly tolerant person. It doesn’t bother me that other people don’t think like I do. I certainly don’t care enough to literally kill someone out out of ideological hatred or to be as offensive as possible by harassing their family members.

Now, when a criminal like Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown attacks an innocent person and gets his just deserts, that’s different. In those cases, violence is justified in self-defense. When an innocent man disappears under mysterious circumstances and turns up dead on the side of a river who for all we know could have been murdered, it is horrifying that anyone would celebrate it. Even if Frank Ancona burned crosses and distributed fliers in the Ozarks, that doesn’t justify murder.

But whatever, I will just note that I am uncomfortable with violence initiated by my side against innocent people. In contrast, the other side is glorifying and celebrating violence against innocent people. That fact tells you everything you need to know about “hate” in America.

Look at these antifas: they’ve gone from its ok to punch a Nazi to its okay to kill a Klansman. Certainly, these people believe it is okay to murder anyone who is rightwing now.