#Kneelgate is the Most Absurd Scandal Thus Far

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 26, 2017

I am only vaguely following the black decision to not stand for the national anthem at sportsball games. I’m not a big sportsball guy.

I have read the boring media takes on the situation.

They are childlike, as all media narratives are.

Liberal explanation: something something injustice white privilege the police and oppression

Conservative explanation: they hate America

The trouble that I am having here is that I see no other explanation for this than that black people hate America.

The liberal media is having trouble explaining this, because there is no explanation for it. Something about “white supremacy” doesn’t even make any sense (especially in the context of a situation where the lowest paid of football players get paid a dozen times more a year than the average white American).

And even if the oppression was all real, making a point to disrespect a flag can only mean that you hate a country.

So though both sides of the media narrative are generally stupid oversimplifications designed to appeal to a hysterical public fixated on outrage, in this case, “they hate America” isn’t really an oversimplification, it is actually as complex as the issue can get.

A deeper insight included in that is that black people do not view themselves as Americans.

All the liberal articles say it has to do with cops maybe somehow – but by purposefully disrespecting a nation’s flag, you are not targeting cops, but the country itself. Generally, it’s considered specifically disrespectful to the military, in particular those who died in war.

No one in any country ever has protested the flag who was not a communist attempting to abolish a nation.

And Americans are the only people who tend to burn their own flag.

If you Google image search “flag burning,” it is only American and Israeli flags. Obviously, the Moslems burning the flag are pushing for the state of Israel to be abolished – that is the concept of flag burning.

And refusal to salute a flag is the same thing as burning it.

Point being: this is an extremely radical gesture by a whole bunch of celebrities. And the fact that no one is even attempting to explain it or put it in any kind of context only makes it worse.

To have any politician who isn’t an open communist – let alone Paul Ryan – coming out and defending them is absolute insanity.

Collapsing Nation

America is collapsing as a nation and the reason that is happening is that over the last several decades, Jews have successfully reframed America from a country founded by white people for white people where some black ex-slaves just happened to live into “a nation of immigrants.”

They then claimed that we all share some kind of vague ideal or ideology regarding “freedoms,” and that this makes us unique – but every other country believes in “freedoms,” but none of them claim that they can replace the history of the nation and it’s ethnic identity with a belief in freedoms.

Europe is now embracing the multicultural ideal, but they aren’t claiming that it is their national identity – they are just claiming that nations don’t actually even exist. That is, they’re skipping a step.

Too often in the Alt-Right I see the idea that we should be against America, with the cited logic being that it is what the Jews claim it is – some kind of multiracial immigrant paradise based around an idea, rather than an identity. This isn’t just a totally destructive concept that would be useless even if it was true – it is objectively and obviously factually incorrect to anyone who has even a slight notion of the foundations of this country.

America was founded, by any definition, as a white nationalist country. The Founding Fathers literally owned black people like animals.

So if someone is claiming that “all men are created equal” meant racial equality, then they are either stupid as hell or they are lying to you on purpose.

What it meant is that all men deserved equal rights under the law. That is the context.

The fact that someone could claim that it means racial equality means that they have absolutely no idea about any aspect of the founding of America. Or, again, that they are lying on purpose.