Knockout Returns (Never Actually Left) – White Man Punched Then Attacked by Four Feral Blacks

Daily Stormer
March 10, 2015

Blacks are the only race which just violently attacks people at random.



A man coming home from work Tuesday was attacked by four people.

Eric Pastrick, 39, said he was in broad daylight when a teenager sucker punched him while the teen’s three friends stood by on Thompson Run Bridge, Route 837.

“Because the bridge was covered with snow and ice, I stood to one side to let them pass,” Pastrick said. “As I did so, one just up and punched me in the side of the head.”

This story is reminiscent of the “knockout punch game” popularized a couple of years ago.

Pastrick followed the teenagers, trying to get a picture of them. As he was following them, the group turned around and one of the attackers had used his cell phone to call friends. A group of four men started to attack Pastrick, kicking and punching him while he laid on the ground.

After Pastrick says they “were done with me” he was able to use his cell phone to call 911 and then crawl to a near by house. Pastrick was taken to McKeesport Hospital.