Ladies and Gentlemen: David Icke

I’m posting a David Icke video.

That’s happening – right now.

I don’t agree with everything David Icke says, and I think if someone did they would be insane, because not even David Icke agrees with everything David Icke says. I’ve listened to this guy for… well, 20 years, I guess. Weird thought.

I remember when he was talking about how the Moon was like a Death Star type weapon designed by ancient aliens from Planet X or whatever. He doesn’t say that anymore. He’s also talked about deadly viruses as some kind of ancient satanic computer technology from another dimension, and now he completely denies the existence of viruses.

More recently, he’s gone from using the Matrix films as a metaphor to apparently (I’m not clear on this) claiming that we are all literally hooked into a matrix like in pods or something. He’s been kind of vague about that.

Anyway: this is a person with a totally open mind, and a very limited filter. I mean, he’ll entertain any idea of course – which I think is necessary if you want to understand what is going on – but then he’ll go out there and say things that he’s probably not thought through all the way. Then, at some point, he’ll just stop saying that. He’s not snakey about it though – if you ask him he’ll be like “well, yeah, I thought that – but then I was introduced to new information.”

So, among other things (but probably the biggest), I don’t agree with his views on Christianity. I wouldn’t say he’s really anti-Christian, but he’ll say things about how the texts have been changed and it’s all part of a global conspiracy and so on. I’m also not really sure that the entire history of civilization was run by satanic entities – it seems to me that there have been ups and downs. I’m also, frankly, not on board with his radical individualism ideas.

I wouldn’t usually post something from someone who I disagree with on so much, because I’ve always felt a kind of need to guide people, and not hit them with things that could confuse them. But at this point in the game, if you’re still confused, then you’re basically 100% doomed anyway.

I hadn’t seen Icke in several years, and then found his BitChute channel maybe a year ago, and found that he was saying the same things I was saying about the virus – that it’s a fake virus, a redux of the flu. He also says that viruses don’t even exist at all (again, he used to say they were ancient satanic robots so – keep your salt-shaker handy).

As far as viruses not existing at all – I’m not completely on board with this. I hear the arguments regarding the kind of lack of evidence for the existence of viruses. I hear that. But the issue is – we know that if someone gets sick at work, other people will get sick at work, and we know that happens when there is no bacterial infection. So, though you really can’t prove viruses exist – sorry, you really can’t – you also can’t prove they don’t exist, and the theory of viruses seems to make sense. I’m against the idea of presenting viruses as something other than a theory. They should be presented as a theory, because they are a theory.

Anyway – I don’t like mixing “Covid doesn’t exist” with “viruses don’t exist at all.” And I think that’s why Dr. Joseph Mercola recently came out and said that Covid exists. He was really saying that people shouldn’t say that no viruses exist. I don’t think Mercola actually believes Covid exists, the whole thing is just too absurd, but he might believe in viruses generally, and just not want to get into the weeds with it.

Frankly, HIV obviously doesn’t exist. I’m also really suspicious of all of these other alleged sex viruses, including herpes and especially HPV. These all seem to be hoaxes designed to tell young people to use condoms, which is part of the larger anti-family program. Obviously, sex outside of marriage is a sin – but the fact is, the way the world used to work was that young people would have sex, it would result in pregnancy, then there would be marriage. And they’d stay married forever. That was at least the case probably half of the time. And condoms killed that, because of this psycho paranoia about STDs, which I can tell you is totally unfounded. Let’s just say I have a friend – in fact, more than one – who has had “unprotected” sex with hundreds of women, most of them of low character, and has never gotten one of these alleged “sexual viruses.” No herpes, no HPV, no HIV. You can get bacterial infections – there are three of them – that can be cleared up with antibiotics.

Pushing this “sex virus” stuff creates promiscuity. Without that, you don’t have condoms, which means (in the age of high fertility) that your first high school girlfriend gets pregnant, which means (meant) you have to marry her. Yes, it’s better to wait for marriage and so on, of course, but we’re talking about reality. And sex education is mostly showing you these horrific pictures of mutilated genitals from very unhealthy people. It’s about attacking the family by encouraging promiscuity by normalizing condom use and therefore preventing “accidental teenage pregnancy” – something which had previously been one of the main bases of family formation.

Anyway – moving on.

The reason that I’m posting this particular David Icke video is that it focuses on something that I very much agree with: that your perceptions shape your experience in reality.

There are very few people talking about this, certainly not with the clarity Icke talks about it. It is a pretty generally accepted concept in older forms of Christianity, but modern Christians are total believers in physical reality and coincidence theory.

The physical world is driven by the spiritual world, because the spiritual world came before the physical world, and there is no such thing as coincidences or random occurrences. This is why prayer works. God is in charge of so-called “random events,” and a series of allegedly random events that happen to go your way can compose a miracle.

You need to be very aware of your thoughts and emotions, as you are projecting energies that are affecting physical reality through the alleged nature of “randomness,” which is a myth. Events happen based on energy fields, not chance.

There is no such thing as random chance. Everything that happens in your life is interconnected, and the decisions you make, the thoughts you think, the emotions you feel, your image of yourself in the universe – all of this projects a field which affects the alleged random chance mechanism of the universe.

I have understood this concept since I was a teenager, though my understanding of it has developed greatly. But since I’ve understood it, and internalized it, I will tell you – everything has worked out okay. It’s really amazing the things that I’ve been through in my life. Crazy things, which can’t really be published until after I’m dead (but which will be published – I can tell you that). But it always, always, works out. Even when it seems like “I should surely be dead, shouldn’t I?”

I’ve not always been positive. I can say that. But I’ve seen the effects of the lack of positivity. And I’ve never given up hope, never given up the belief that I am in control of my own life, and in my own destiny. In more recent years, having become more Christian, having taken to regular prayer – all of this has intensified, and I feel that I’m largely walking on sunshine, even as the world burns around me. Because I just keep on dodging. And when something seems like it’s really bad – it works out.

Much of this has been due to a drive within myself to push forward, and to never back down, and to always do what I think is right. Or to try to, at least. I’ve been censored to hell, I’ve been harassed and – well, you know the story – and I’ve always said “I’m just going to keep doing what I can to do the right thing and to fight against the forces of evil.”

And it all worked out.

And if I die, I don’t have fear. I understand that this life is a brief experience, intended to teach me things. And I am trying to learn. I couldn’t learn if I was dragged down by fear.

Fear is the mind killer.

It’s probably something I should write more about at this point, because with all of these people taking the vax and surrendering to the system, those of us who are going to shape the new world are being whittled down to a small portion of the population, and we need to be ready to act.