As was obviously going to happen, the coronavirus hoax is driving people insane.
I wrote at length last year about how I expected not only divorces, mass substance abuses and violence on airplanes, but also a severe rise in brutally deranged type behavior as a result of the lunatic measures enforced against the population.
Weird murders are happening daily now, but most of them do not ever make the national news, and I can’t track all these stories down and follow them.
But here’s an example.
The Daily Beast is probably only reporting on this because it’s a white kid and the name of the victim sounds nonwhite:
A Nevada high school student allegedly broke into a random home and stabbed a man to death last week before returning to class just hours after the murder, authorities said.
Police said Ethan Goin, 16, randomly stabbed 48-year-old Vergel Guintu in the neck at his home last Friday after the man went to check on a noise that he heard in the house, according to reports.
Guintu’s wife and mother-in-law recounted the grisly scene to Las Vegas Metropolitan Police, according to local outlets, telling law enforcement that Guintu went to investigate the sound and was later found in their home in a pool of blood. He had just returned home from dropping the couple’s son at school.
The Clark County Coroner’s Officer confirmed to The Daily Beast that Guintu had suffered stab wounds to the neck. Additional details about the murder were conveyed through court documents and police records obtained by local outlets.
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Guintu’s mother-in-law told officers that after Vergel Guintu went to inspect the first sound, she heard a second one, and moments later an alleged intruder clad in black with a mask and hood passed before her, according to KVVU. She then saw Guintu drenched in blood and his wife, who had been upstairs, immediately called 911, the outlet said.
Police said that emergency personnel who arrived at the scene pronounced Guintu dead at the scene.
“The Beast” didn’t include a picture of the victim, but this appears to be him:
There’s a good chance this will lead to some “white supremacy” narrative. There definitely won’t be a “coronavirus restrictions have caused a mental health crisis” narrative. That’s for sure.
It didn’t take much to predict that forcing the public to live in total fear, and then backing up that fear with brutality and oppression, along with endless restrictions on everything, would lead to total collapse of the basic order of society.
It’s really crazy that no one was talking about this before it started to really manifest, and it’s crazy they’re not talking about it now.
Human beings are adaptable, but they can only adapt so far. This virus hoax is an endless “crisis” with no finality, and there is really nothing concrete to adapt to, other than chaos.
They keep saying it’s going to end.
Lord Fauci has said continually that it is going to end soon.

Now we’re clearly facing the biggest lockdown yet, and the US government is planning to force Australia-style rules onto the population in order to terrorize them into taking the vax.
And of course, “the vax” is now “endless vaxes,” just as we said it would be.
The US is already demanding people take a third dose of the initial vax, while Israel is starting with the fourth dose.
Meanwhile, they are also informing the public that the vax does not actually do anything to stop any alleged virus.
It’s stressful enough to follow this bullshit knowing it’s all a hoax. Imagine what your brain would feel like if you literally believed the government just wants what’s best for you, and this is what they came up with?
I mean, we understand that the government is attempting to install a global technetronic control grid and basically force the people into captivity. So we can understand the logic of what is happening. If you believed the government was just trying to help, you would feel like reality had collapsed.