Late. Shitty. Whatever.

I’m still on this “I should probably stop working on Sundays” kick.

I think it’s probably the moral thing to do, and it’s definitely the mental health thing to do.

I think I’m going to do it.

I know today isn’t Sunday, but if I knew I had tomorrow off, I would have been more on it today.

Basically, I’m following a branch of Christianity which I think people have gotten the impression I’m following but which I haven’t really talked much about directly and maybe never will (or maybe, actually, will). I don’t really think this is a place to evangelize a certain form of Christianity, as I basically want to bring all Christians together under a political agenda.

However, that branch of Christianity, whatever it might be, doesn’t really say working on Sunday is that big of a deal. But it also says… probably better not to?

On a mental energy level though, I think taking Sundays off (which would give me an opportunity to camp/fish/hunt in a way I haven’t really been able to do for the last 11 years) would be a good thing.

Working every day like this is sort of insane.

It’s possible that starting next week, there will only be one article on Sunday, a longer article, maybe a self-help article, which I’ve prepared beforehand.

Though not always self-help.

For example, I went through the Rotten Tomatoes list of “Best Movies of 2024,” and a lot of them don’t have any diversity. Like, at all. I was shocked. I don’t pay much attention to movies, but I thought I’d better check in with what is going on with movies. A lot of them are literally just white people. Some of them have just one black guy in a role that a black guy would have in a film in 1995.

It would take some time to go through that. You know, click one-by-one and check the casts. And it would make for a good Sunday read. Uplifting, you know?

I think one uplifting thing, whether it be spiritual or just “hey, Hollywood apparently stopped shoving diversity down our throats because it was so unprofitable for them,” would be enough.

And I think my work would be better the rest of the week for having relaxed on the rest day.

It’s actually sort of insane that I’ve devoted more than a decade to 12/7 weeks. I obviously don’t work 12 hours every day, but I sure do a lot of days, if you include all the reading. There is a whole lot of reading involved, and the writing alone is so huge.

No one has ever said “nah, bro, you should keep working Sundays.” It’s the least read day already, because people are going to church, spending time with their families, probably generally trying to keep their minds off negative things.

I guess maybe I’m looking for someone to say “no bro just keep working every single day for the rest of your life,” because it is definitely something that keeps me grounded.