Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 16, 2020
The Russian plan is apparently to simply not be a threat and continue to beg Jewish lunatics to stop treating them like a threat.
NATO’s eastward expansion and large-scale drills near Russian borders may lead to unpredictable consequences and it’s time for Europe to change course, Russia’s FM Sergey Lavrov told the Munich Security Conference.
Europe is where the “crisis of confidence” in international relations is felt the most, Foreign Minister Lavrov said as he took to the stage, explaining that “the structure of the Cold War rivalry is being recreated” on the continent.
“Escalating tensions, NATO’s military infrastructure advancing to the East, exercises of unprecedented scope near the Russian borders, the pumping of defense budgets beyond measure – all this generates unpredictability,” he added.
He then called on Europe to focus on security cooperation and helping to uphold international treaties, instead of following a policy of confrontation.
“Give up on promoting the phantom of the ‘Russian threat’ or any other threat – before it’s too late – and remember what unites us all.”
Lavrov noted that “breakthrough technologies” must not be used to disrupt international stability further, stressing the importance of efforts aimed at “preventing an arms race in space and not allowing the militarization of cyberspace.”
This plan is absolute crap.
There is nothing that “unites us all” anymore. The US and Western Europe have totally and completely abandoned any notion of Western civilization or White Christian Identity. They are now united between one another by a love of sodomy and allowing disgusting brown savages to come to their countries and have sex with their women.
The “Russian Threat” narrative is designed to provide an excuse to destroy Russia, because the Jews who run America and the West generally are pushing for globalism. So in their paradigm, any nation that wants to be independent is a threat.
And there is not any “in-between.” You either have to go full anal and full Islamic refugee shelter, or you are not welcome in the club. The idiot EU shills in the sell-out nations of Eastern Europe are in the process of learning this lesson.

They are getting what they deserve, which is an “Islamo-Double-Analism Run by Irate Women.”
They know who the devil was when they took his money.
So praise be to the Russians for refusing to bend over and take a cash suppository for selling out their history and identity to the Globo-Homo Western Satan.
But the fact of reality is that if they are going to do this, there is no strategy where it matters if they’re nice about it.
The West is saying “allow us control of your media so we can run our own candidates in your elections and take over your government through the democracy system,” and Russia is saying “no,” and that is being taken as a threat by the West. So they have to deal with the fact that they are being treated as a threat by at least defending themselves.
Ukraine’s Maidan showed that Russia was absolutely and completely unprepared to deal with the West coming down on them.

They need to stop clamming up and begging not to be destroyed and actually start making forward moves.
Annexing Belarus and Kazakhstan would be a positive forward step, as would making more serious alliances with right-wing parties across Europe.
They are going to be accused of doing all of these things they’re not doing no matter what. They’ve already been framed as the absolute devil across the entire Western world, as they’ve sat there trying to explain that they’re really just normal people who just want to sell gas and be left alone.
It’s the same situation with Donald Trump: the language used by the media is so extreme that if Russia (or Donald Trump) decided to actually do something, there would be no room to increase the level of outrage being expressed.