Lee Stranahan Discusses Impending Bannon Crucifixion on CNN

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 13, 2017

Lee Stranahan of The Populist appeared on CNN last night to talk about the apparent plan to fire Steve Bannon.

After the New York Post “I like Steve, but I don’t really know him” comment on Tuesday, Wednesday he told the Wall Street Journal Bannon is just “a guy who works for me.”

Stranahan explained to the Magical Negro Faggot Don Lemon that Bannon’s role in the adminstration is not about Steve Bannon the man, it is about the spirit of the campaign and fulfilling these promises that were made to the American people.

And that is a fact. The singular thing that Steve Bannon is interested in doing is fulfilling Trump’s promises. Period. He has no agenda that to get done what we were told would get done. Full stop. That’s it.

Removing him, if that indeed happens – and it appears that it’s happening – it means that Trump no longer has any plan to fulfill his promises to us.


Stranahan pointed at Gary Cohn and Jared Kushner – the JEWS – as behind the coup.

This comes after earlier this week, Stranahan named Kushner as a Jew on his Periscope.

At 10:00, embed is timestamped so just push play.

He’s cagey, but he says it.

He’s getting it.

And if he can get it, a whole lot more people can get it. He’s a former Democrat who just a year ago was a total basic bitch conservative.

The saving grace in all of this mess is that it is an openly Jewish coup. Kushner and Cohn are as Jewish as you can get.

Along with the two big Jews, Dina Habib Powell, the other face of this coup, is an Arab who is former Goldman Sachs and is currently a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. She is friends with Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett and Huffington Post founder and editor Ariana Huffington.

Although we don’t know the details and almost certainly never will, the core of this happening is transparent. Between the firing of General Flynn over illegal leaks and the strike on Syria, an internal Jewish coup took place.

And now, we move forward.

And now, there will be no more excuses.